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what a great year 2015 was

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    travistemple202020 started this thread.
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    what a great year 2015 was

    I have to say I hope 2016 is as good of year as it was in 2015 I made more money than I ever have before. prices dropped and dropped including gas and with that people dropped out even some of my bigger competition got lazy. it was a hay day of cheap computers, the best was a pallet of 270 laptops for $35 but pallets of desktop were going for $25-40 with at least 40top and 20-30lap mixes. now most were p4 but still one in 10 I scored a slot and 1in20 I got a 386-486 and a few Pentium pros as well.
    servers were going for $1 most of the year I paid $5 for some that had hard drives still. then of course parts were abundant I still am listing when I have time, memory was the most as I got so many 2gb ddr2 laptop and desktop from these I just started selling them for $2 to a auction friend that like to split loads at times. even govdeals had so many low priced auctions I was amazed no one jumped on.
    gas prices dropped so much over the year I was able to drive around curbco shopping so much more this year than the last 2yrs and pick up loads 20-30miles away that I would not have been able to do before. curbco was so much fun but frustrating as I could not grab everything because I was breaking down computers more. since people were either lazy or did not want to get out I guess they left so much good stuff not to mention good scrap like mowers and grills that usually get taken fast, there were times I could pick it up a few days later if the trash man dint get there first lol.
    now with prices of shred here locally at a penny a pound I can understand not wanting to do the work for less money but I am happy to do it for them as I turned in more shred to the yard this year than ever before and I worked with other scrappers so that we could ship our heavy steel out by rail and make even better money, something I had never done before but will do again this year. people leaving all this around town not wanting to turn it in or finding ways to work together to make the money was fine with me, 13cents lb was something I would never get here in town even with the price now down to 7.5clb and shipping I am still getting 4clb and that's twice what our highest yard in iowa pays.
    that's the fun part is at 1cent its the price when I was a kid and I was making good money at 11yrs old but had to split it since I could not own let alone drive a truck.
    even as prices continued to drop over the year it was easily made up with volume and a few extra hours of work. hoarding most my processors,ram, copper and so forth that does not take up a lot of space even turning my bathroom towel closet into a space to hoard the flat rate boxes that are easy to stack and out of the way. I also turned my living room into a laptop break down area with 3 tables, 1 to tear down on 1 to set screens on and one to put complete laptops on ready for breakdown and tubs on 1 wall for boards steel and trash and the other wall as a boxing a shipping station so that I don't have to work in the cold.
    the people who dropped out this year also led to a abundance of calls for pick ups, and with crt's being regulated now in my area it led me to charging for them and appliances well which netted me extra cash as well this year. its been a lot of extra work but also a lot of extra money so I hope 2016 is just as good

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
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    I had a very good year too, made about the same profit in 2015 as in 2014, despite the lower prices. Less competition in my area too, got many new contacts for material, I only do ewaste.

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