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Eyes to the ground pays off in a big way!!!!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    wayne1956 started this thread.
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    Eyes to the ground pays off in a big way!!!!

    I always pick up any change on the ground, no matter if it is "just" a penny. A couple of times I have spied a $20, couple of times a $10, and several $5 and $1. Even one time thought I had found a $50 in a WalMart parking lot (it was folded like many of us do), but turns out it was an advertisement for a tax refund preparation office. A couple of days ago I was picking up a refrigerator and an oven from someone who had responded to my craigslist ad. Saw a piece of paper blowing in the wind beside my truck and picked it up. A nice $100 bill. And not an advertisement replica either. I looked upwind to see if anyone might be frantically looking, and saw nothing. A big first for me, and will probably be my only time. Strangest part is I was delayed taking off at my regular time from work for a half hour. If I had not been delayed, I would not have been in the right place at the right time, it would have been someone else doing the happy dance (figuratively, not literally. Sure does make one wonder though how a person goes about losing a $100 bill. I sure would be sick if it was me.

    Last edited by wayne1956; 02-04-2016 at 09:02 AM.

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    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    I'm a 100% looking for that lucky penny guy too, a big day is just a pre-1982 penny and a really big day is the increasing harder to find "Wheaties". Last month I was at a local hospital for a minor procedure, I'm never happy to be near those places. Coming out of the hospital I'm walking towards my truck and the wind blows a $10 bill right to me, that was a tremendous find for this scrapper.

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  5. #3
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    I found 100 dollars once.
    Google first ask questions later!

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  7. #4
    nutpie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne1956 View Post
    I always pick up any change on the ground, no matter if it is "just" a penny. A couple of times I have spied a $20, couple of times a $10, and several $5 and $1. Even one time thought I had found a $50 in a WalMart parking lot (it was folded like many of us do), but turns out it was an advertisement for a tax refund preparation office. A couple of days ago I was picking up a refrigerator and an oven from someone who had responded to my craigslist ad. Saw a piece of paper blowing in the wind beside my truck and picked it up. A nice $100 bill. And not an advertisement replica either. I looked upwind to see if anyone might be frantically looking, and saw nothing. A big first for me, and will probably be my only time. Strangest part is I was delayed taking off at my regular time from work for a half hour. If I had not been delayed, I would not have been in the right place at the right time, it would have been someone else doing the happy dance (figuratively, not literally. Sure does make one wonder though how a person goes about losing a $100 bill. I sure would be sick if it was me.
    I lost a $100 bill in a parking lot in "Cleburne, TX" a couple days ago... I'm paying a $50 reward to anyone who finds and returns it.

    Just kidding. Good find..

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  9. #5
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    I to keep my eyes to the ground. The last several years I've had some health issues so heavy work is out unless my wife can help. Things were really down, no scrap to be had I went for a short ride and walked the roadsides picking cans. Wow I found a windfall of cans on way back to truck I saw a green piece of paper crunched up I thought a $1 bill stuffed it in my pocket sat in truck pulled out my find it was a $100 bill, God does bless at the right time. My wife said we need some groceries the Blessing was food plus several bags of cans.

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  11. #6
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    This brings to mind the weirdest coincidence of my life by far. About 8 years ago I was stepping out of my van to feed the meter and looked down to find 3 $100 bills folded up together. Once in a lifetime find. Or so I thought.

    About 3 months later in another town, I was cutting across a vacant lot and spotted one of those clear plastic insurance paper holders and I could see money in it. I picked it up and I couldn't believe it. 3 $100 bills! Only this time they were American bills.

    I often wonder if this has some greater meaning but I haven't figured it out yet except to say I agree! Keep your eyes on the ground!

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  13. #7
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    I too constantly scan the ground for "goodies". I personally am looking for a WAM penny 98-00. But ive found gold rings also this way. Just did a cleanout and there were two jewelry boxes filled with vintagw silver jewelry and some gold freemason rings. Never found a hundo though. Nice grab!
    Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.
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  15. #8
    Jonniebrass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonniebrass View Post
    I found 100 dollars once.
    It was about 25 years ago. I was delivering newspapers to a hotel and there on the ground it was. It was around new years day.

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  17. #9
    lousypirate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wayne1956 View Post
    I always pick up any change on the ground, no matter if it is "just" a penny. A couple of times I have spied a $20, couple of times a $10, and several $5 and $1. Even one time thought I had found a $50 in a WalMart parking lot (it was folded like many of us do), but turns out it was an advertisement for a tax refund preparation office. A couple of days ago I was picking up a refrigerator and an oven from someone who had responded to my craigslist ad. Saw a piece of paper blowing in the wind beside my truck and picked it up. A nice $100 bill. And not an advertisement replica either. I looked upwind to see if anyone might be frantically looking, and saw nothing. A big first for me, and will probably be my only time. Strangest part is I was delayed taking off at my regular time from work for a half hour. If I had not been delayed, I would not have been in the right place at the right time, it would have been someone else doing the happy dance (figuratively, not literally. Sure does make one wonder though how a person goes about losing a $100 bill. I sure would be sick if it was me.
    My mom found one in a snow bank when she totaled her maxima waiting for the tow truck
    my dad has found $100 bills stashed in several different vehicles he's bought over the years. Only ever 1 at a time, usually pinned up under the seat for an emergency fund

    I'm stuck with pocket change from partout vehicles, but lots of 100s from parting them out

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  19. #10
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I found $40 in the middle of the road about a year ago.

    About 5 years ago I found $40 while walking to the vet to make a (first) appointment for my cat.
    She said "its cash up front for the first visit". "How much?" I ask.
    She says "$39"......

    But, about a year ago I got some cheap DVD's (war documentary's) from a pawn shop. A pack of 5.
    I do whatever and get to a friends place and a few hours later we decide to watch one.
    So I go thru them and pick 1 and open it up and there's $300 in $20 notes in there.....
    Here's where it gets weird....
    A while before, someone I know and see 'out and about' mentioned that he "had someone steal some money from his place". "How much?" asked. "Dunno really,$400? Maybe". "Bummer" I said.
    He's got relitives who steal stuff all the time, could be them, its happened to me, by them, before.

    But a while after that, (I see him about every 3-4 months, at random) In ask about the money and he says that he "could have hidden it and chucked it out by mistake...."

    Now I know he's sold DVDs to the pawn shop before...... I'm wondering.....
    Now did he put the $ in the DVD case to hide it, forget about it, and sell the DVD to the pawn shop...
    And I brought it...
    I cannot ask him directly... I have to 'hide' my questions. On the other hand, the pawn shop may have a way of looking it up to find out. I would think they would check every DVD anyway.
    If it was a prize of some sort they would have a note in there too.
    But chances are soooo remote, but then, I have had remoter chances happen before.

    If its his, I will get his money back to him. 100%.
    I checked last week and found a pawnshop sticker/barcode on one of the DVD's. Traceable.

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  21. #11
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    this is why I check couches chairs and clothes even if I am not picking them up cause I find lots of money this way mostly change but it adds up fast and some fun and gross things too lol

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  23. #12
    dsroten's Avatar
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    I found a Benjamin under the spare tire in a old 85 Cadillac a couple years ago. I figure someone stuffed it in there for a rainy day and just forgot it when they sold it. Seems like I didnt pay much more than that for the whole car.

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  25. #13
    bigburtchino's Avatar
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    My favorite place (other than the ground) to find "found treasure" is desk. About every other month it seems we have a desk or two to go thru (sometimes several). The three things that are very common to find in vacated desk, (besides paper clips and pens):1. Loose change (usually US coins, but often foreign coins). 2 Jewelry, most of the time it's single earring. 12K gold adds up (better than pennies). 3. Gift Cards, most of the time it's only $1.00 and some change remaining unspent of a $25 gift card, again better than pennies and the unopened birthday cards, will almost always be good for a $25 lunch somewhere! Those unopened cards always get me wondering about just what kind of "working" office that place was!

    If you get a office desk to dispose of, take a little time to box up the contents, for me it's usually better than scrap value for the desk and contents is a nice bonus!

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  27. #14
    Otto's Avatar
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    My favorite place (other than the ground) to find "found treasure" is desk.
    Also, check filing cabinets. Remove the bottom drawer and look behind it. Often, something will have fallen down there. Same thing with cupboard and dresser drawers.

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    The value for me looking down is the number of penny's I find. I pick everyone up, not for the financial value but instead for the spiritual value. Each has "In God we trust" engraved in it. I know our other currencies have these words, but then I get caught up in the value, not the meaning. A penny has less financial value, but helps keep my compass straight. More valuable to me than what's "blowing in the wind." "Kansas"
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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  31. #16
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    My dad at a traffic intersection seen something shiny so he opened the door grabbed what he thought was a cheap knockoff Rolex watch on the road later found out it was a real one with a broken band.

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  33. #17
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    A friend of mine 20 years ago was picking up room service trays on the tray mixed in with the dirty dishes was a bag of weed and a wedding ring, he called the room back and made a real good tip.

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  35. #18
    nutpie's Avatar
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    I pick up pennies when I see thm. It helps pay for the sales tax on my next purchase.

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  37. #19
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    I pick up the small coins because if I put one in my parking meter I save $10. :-)

    And if I put one in someone else's parking meter, they save $10 too.... ;-)

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  39. #20
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    snowbanks will start melting soon
    all kinds of goodies get pushed into snowbanks and deposited in nice little piles once they melt.
    best cash find was a $20
    found plenty of silver bracelets and other jewelry as well as cellphones and other small electronics.
    Then it's off to scour underneath the chairlifts on the ski mountain with a metal detector, a guy can fill up a 5 gallon bucket with watches, chains, phones, mp3 players, change. wallets get turned into the pd, one guy gave me a reward of 50 bucks.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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