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Might have saved a house, or even a life.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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ttuck666 Might have saved a house, or... 02-04-2016, 11:55 AM
TheRecycleGuy Might have saved a house, or... 02-04-2016, 02:18 PM
alloy2 I once had a car catch fire... 02-04-2016, 04:01 PM
  1. #1
    ttuck666 started this thread.
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    Might have saved a house, or even a life.

    While perusing craigslist i came across a lady giving away a ceiling fan for free just a mile away from me. I contacted her and we set up a meet time and i went and picked up the fan from her. During the meet up she mentioned that her brother was actually about to come and pick it up himself, and install it in his bedroom. He backed out at the last second due to work related issues. I'm glad he didn't show. When i opened up the ceiling fan the wires that connected to the light socket had corroded badly and the wiring frayed. Could easily have started a fire if installed and was used again. One of those things that make you think it was meant to happen.

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  3. #2
    TheRecycleGuy's Avatar
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    Might have saved a house, or even a life.

    true. good catch

  4. #3
    alloy2 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I once had a car catch fire at 3:00 am heading west from Edmonton the area was remote soon after i pulled off to the side of the road another car stopped directly behind the guy gets out wand starts throwing snow on my cat to put the fire out when I say whooa dude I've got $500.00 deductible.

    Then soon later a cop arrives on the scene he pulls out a dry chemical fire extinguisher and pulls the pin, no go. Cop says we just filed these yesterday yea right they forgot to install the Co2 cartridge. Good thing the fire was almost out and that no human or animals remained on the vehicle as it was this was one embarrassed cop.

    The car was a 1972 Cortina with the German made 2000 cc overhead cam engine with twin Webbers, for a small car it could haul %%$^&#. I’m embarrassed to say that a Fiat Spider with an 850 waxed me,
    Last edited by alloy2; 02-04-2016 at 11:05 PM.

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