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  1. #7
    Ditchdigger is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Ditchdigger- Perhaps the German weapons kept the fired case still on the link. Most that I can see in the pix appear not to have projectiles on them but yes be careful of any that look intact.
    Hmmm...After watching it again, you might be right about the projectiles being absent. Interesting.

    I have a couple of 37mm shells here, just the projectiles, not the brass. They were in a garage I demo'd. The story the owner told was that someplace nearby, they'd built some sort of facility, maybe having something to do with nuclear technology of some sort (I don't remember exactly), and that they mixed a whole bunch of surplus 37mm shells into the poured concrete walls, for the added mass, or something. He'd worked on the project, and brought a few home.

    The tips unscrew, and they're empty inside, so they're definitely inert.

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    Last edited by Ditchdigger; 02-08-2016 at 06:40 PM.

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