Let me start this post off with some info. I get a call from my friend who runs one of the local corner stores. He knows I'm into metal scrapping now, so He tells me hes got a nice cast iron sink for me in his trunk. So I head over there get it from him and he tells me he grabbed it just for me, I said Wow Thx man! I appreciate that alot. I had assumed it had come from his house at first. Then he goes on to tell me that he found it curbside in a town about 30 mins from here where they are having their Once Per Every 3 Months Junk Only (no Garbage) Clean-Out Night. He said I should head down there and see what I can find. It was raining It was around freezing temp out , but from the way he described it I just Had to check it out. I am so Glad their are still cool people in this world. Especially my part of the world, North East Jersey where there are not to many nice people left, trust me. So anyway I decide to take my Lady with me (which was a first) since she grew up hanging out in this town I was headed to and knew her way around there which I didn't. WOW is all I can say. It was a like a scrappers Dream!!! Huge piles of appliances mixed with all sorts of aluminum framed windows and doors etc.. Copper filled motors galore. No Traffic, No regular Garbage mixed in. Nice quiet wide streets without the jam packed parking blocking the piles like we have here in my town. It was great!!! we scored big time. Better yet She says she wants to go with me next time. Now we had something we can do together and shes finally taken an interest in my scrapping and understands it better. Now Granted, I've lived with her for 8 years now, so I don't recommend this idea for a first or second date or anything but if you've got a lady at home who's cool enough to try some curbside scrapping with you one junk night, Give it a try by all means. We came home happy and smiling like we had just come back from a winning night down at Atlantic City or something![]()