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Ultimate Scrap Hunt last night

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    JerseyD started this thread.
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    Cool Ultimate Scrap Hunt last night

    Let me start this post off with some info. I get a call from my friend who runs one of the local corner stores. He knows I'm into metal scrapping now, so He tells me hes got a nice cast iron sink for me in his trunk. So I head over there get it from him and he tells me he grabbed it just for me, I said Wow Thx man! I appreciate that alot. I had assumed it had come from his house at first. Then he goes on to tell me that he found it curbside in a town about 30 mins from here where they are having their Once Per Every 3 Months Junk Only (no Garbage) Clean-Out Night. He said I should head down there and see what I can find. It was raining It was around freezing temp out , but from the way he described it I just Had to check it out. I am so Glad their are still cool people in this world. Especially my part of the world, North East Jersey where there are not to many nice people left, trust me. So anyway I decide to take my Lady with me (which was a first) since she grew up hanging out in this town I was headed to and knew her way around there which I didn't. WOW is all I can say. It was a like a scrappers Dream!!! Huge piles of appliances mixed with all sorts of aluminum framed windows and doors etc.. Copper filled motors galore. No Traffic, No regular Garbage mixed in. Nice quiet wide streets without the jam packed parking blocking the piles like we have here in my town. It was great!!! we scored big time. Better yet She says she wants to go with me next time. Now we had something we can do together and shes finally taken an interest in my scrapping and understands it better. Now Granted, I've lived with her for 8 years now, so I don't recommend this idea for a first or second date or anything but if you've got a lady at home who's cool enough to try some curbside scrapping with you one junk night, Give it a try by all means. We came home happy and smiling like we had just come back from a winning night down at Atlantic City or something

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  3. #2
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    Good Job!

    Sounds like you may need to rent a uhaul truck when you go.

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  5. #3
    JerseyD started this thread.
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    Your right. Thinking about one of those tow along jobs from Home Depot or something instead though Thx

  6. #4
    travistemple202020's Avatar
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    still trying to find a women that can load a grill like I can into the back of my truck, even more so when you get that face full of ashes. that's a true women

  7. #5
    wayne1956's Avatar
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    That "clean out night" might be something you want to check with the town about. Some towns use that to sell the scrap themselves and use the money as operating expenses. If the town frowns on you doing that you could be letting yourself in for a world of grief. If they say "no problem, have at it", you might want to look for a 16 ft flatbed trailer to take with you to get as big of a haul as you can during that once a month cleanout. To me, that "no garbage" would send up a red flag that they are wanting the proceeds for themselves, and might look at someone else taking it as theft.

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  9. #6
    JerseyD started this thread.
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    It's once every three months. And thx I never even thought about that. I will call the their towns public works dept before May rolls around and make sure I'm not breaking any laws.

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  11. #7
    Faceball's Avatar
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    My small town did this as a Spring cleanout day. The town hired extra rent-a-cops to patrol the neighborhood to discourage scrappers. They used it to fund the local Cops for Kids x-mas party. Too bad it has been discontinued for a number of years. They made out good. Basically, anything on the curb for those too weeks was off limits.
    Last edited by Faceball; 02-25-2016 at 11:47 AM.

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  13. #8
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Sounds like fun!!

    My home town (the "city" in my metro compared to my bedroom town) has done rotating neighborhood spring clean ups. They could care less if the city or a charity makes any money off of it, they just want the town to look nice. The last year I lived there I wasn't into scrapping and watch people constantly patrolling the streets. My FiL brought over a big shot floor jack and said, 'Watch this" and it was gone in 20 minutes. People prowled all day long for several days. The last straw for me was when someone took my worn out and very stinky plastic garbage can. Sort of shocked me. The Monday morning comes and the city takes their winter sand/salt trucks and load everything up and take it to the county landfill. Now maybe some things are sorted there, don't know. I couple of years ago when I first got started taking things apart, the clean up zone was over by my SiL's and I went and filled up my Buick one cold evening. I have some pixs of that little load I'll post later. There was a cord snipper working those streets as most of the cords were gone.

    Last year a little town that was a small farming burg that grown into a small bedroom town less than 10 miles from my work place had a clean out day that I learned about. I headed over there after work and was one of the only ones working it. If I would have had a 16 ft. trailer, I could have brought home about a dozen washers & dryers although the wifey would have probably shot me about 3 steps after leaving the driver's seat. I did fill up the back seat and trunk of the Buick with tvs, a couple of puters, and other smaller appliances and some vehicle batteries. The car's butt end was a sagging a bit coming home. I still have one of the tvs (an older fake wood console) that I was going to cut like someone showed a year or so ago as modern art and sold for some good coin. Anybody remember that post??

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