I think this deserves posting since it has happened twice in as many days.
Yesterday I was testing a 1000W power supply that by all appearances seemed in good order. It passed the voltage and load tests too. Was going to use this one for a build, installed it, set everything up, powered up...two minutes later the big cap (the pre PWM 12+ bus cap) exploded. Not...popped, exploded loud enough to be about as loud as a 9mm going off. Haven't had a heart stopper like that in a long time. But it does go to show you...don't leave untested stuff unattended.
Then today happened. I should have known this...really...but it is MUCH more difficult to tell if a cap is bad on an ASUS board with solid caps than any other kind of motherboard. Especially when the board itself is black and you cant see the electrolyte leaking onto the board. Testing boards from a large lot and this board blew the cap at full bus amperage to the point it looked like a welding arc. The short to ground protection circuit in my test PSU tripped and cut the power to the board after a second or two but again... with a 400W 12+ bus 100% duty it's entirely possible I just watched 60 to 80 amps arc across a motherboard. Sure smelled like it.
Anyone else make electronics go boom lately?