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Yard sale story

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    hobo finds started this thread.
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    Yard sale story

    Well we are finally selling off some of my father in-laws stuff since he passed away last year. We have had 2 yard sales so far. 1st one at his house and sold $400 worth of stuff. So this weekend we do a sale at my house sold $555 worth of stuff.

    Yard sale people are funny. And I could tell lots of stories about our sales in the past. But this weekend was one of the better ones.
    I had removed the signs and we were packing up the unsold items. A car pulls up and a younger women and her parents pull up they looked like they were all on meth or crack. She jumps out of the car and says my mother needs a vacuum cleaner “she has osteoporosis”. The vacuum was marked $8 and we said we would take $5.00. She said that’s great! Then she asked if we could plug it in, sure I have an outlet out front. She wanted to come inside with her family and try it on our carpet! I said try it on the doormat. She did and it worked fine. She then says my mom is wearing the cap an here head as she also is recovering from brain cancer (mom is smoking a cig as we are talking). Guy comes over and inspects it and then says can you break a hundred. We of course say no, as people try to pass bad bills around here a lot. So then they say they have only $2.00 and can they just get it for free as she is so sick! My wife is pissed, I say sure $2.00 (as my father in-law has found this in an alley years ago) so we got $2.12 in change for it. Better than shred price in my mind and it got them the hell out of there!

    Hopefully only one or too more sales to do. He has lots of tools and the big furniture items from the house. My wife did not want to do an "Estate Sale" as she did not want all the people going thru the house and we were and still are pricing things.

    I must get rid of all my junk before I die... I don't want my kids to have to do it!

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