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Rough start to the morning

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Mike1286 started this thread.
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    Rough start to the morning

    Today was a rough annoying day. I scrap along my full time job. With prices down, my yard has cut their hours a bit. They want you on the scale by 330. I get out at 330. So Saturday is the only day I can run to dump. As I get closer to the yard I start seeing multiple loaded trucks driving away and think oh no, what's going on. I catch one of the guys on the side road leading to the yard entrance. Apparently a semi ran off the edge of the scale. I assume it did enough damage that they needed to fix and/or recertify it. So now I have a full truck with 3 or 4 scheduled pickups later in the afternoon. A couple were for tvs so I needed the room. Did a quick Google for other yards nearby, called a couple and headed to the one with the best price. Got there and unloaded. Was chatting with the pay lady as I saw their site said they buy computers. Asked what they pay if the boards are already out. 35 cents a pound. I about peed my pants laughing (on the inside) took my cash for the steel and headed back towards my pickups. Type the first address in the GPS and head out. Says 1215 arrival time. Unfortunately I used my truck radio GPS which is 8 years old and never updated and doesn't show traffic. Highway comes to a dead stop. Pull up the address on my phone GPS (which I will only be doing from now on) shows a traffic incident ahead and states a 38 minute delay. Myself and a ton of other people got off at the next exit to take side roads. Let the customer know I was running behind and luckily she didn't mind at all. Finally got there at 1245. Made the pick up and the rest of the day went nice and smooth. But man was it a hell of a p-i-t-a start.

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    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Its the way its goes some time. More people around= more potential "issues". Way to keep on keeping on!

  4. #3
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Best laid plans of mice and
    good for you for pushing through.
    A local traffic issue here is two people stopped in the road to talk to each other.
    There ain't nothing wrong with an honest days work. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.- Old Man

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    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Here it is usually geese crossings. Or monster tractors that take up both lanes

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  8. #5
    Mike1286 started this thread.
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    More people=more problems. But more people also = more potential business. So it's a give and take.

    I just don't know how a semi could have driven off the scale. Is it really that hard to drive a straight line at 2 mph for 60 feet or so? I had to have seen a good 15 or 20+ trucks driving away full before I got to the access road and asked what was going on. Im sure all of them were as upset as i was. I made due at the end of the day. But to think how many people got screwed from one drivers mistake. Even though they're my competition, I hope it worked out for them one way or another. But I'd sure love to see the idiot that drove off a scale and tell him, you dumb bas**rd. Lol. At the same time though, I'm sure he felt like an idiot. So I guess I wouldn't rub it in too much. It's bad enough being "that guy" without everyone else rubing it in. Lol.

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