Well I keep my gloves and my safety glasses right in front of my work bench. Well I was scrapping an item and needed to do a quick grind to get a small tab broken off and thought oh its 2 seconds and I can control the direction of the sparks
Well about 2 seconds latter I hurt my eye. So I gave scrapping a rest for a bit and when I went back I started taken apart a dvd drive (done it a million times without gloves). So I start up and as I am pushing and pulling my hand slips and gouges out a good flap of skin. This all happened on Friday.
So today (Saturday) I go into the urgent care to get a shot because its been more then 5 years. First thing she looks at my eye and doesn't see it anymore so it worked its way out, then checks my finger. She would have liked to give it a stich or two but we (I) decided its better just holding the flap down with a bandage. She asked what I was doing and I told her scrapping. She said (asked) without gloves or glasses and kinda glaring down at me. I responded I had them right in front of me. My wife told her she could beat me if she wanted.
Moral of this long boring story is wear your protection because why the cuts may not hurt the shot does suck.
Its all good now though I don't have to wear gloves for another 5 years without worry of a shot.
My wife didn't find this funny about not needing gloves but she doesn't understand I would rather gouge my finger open or brake a bone then to get a needle in my arm. I HATE NEEDLES!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for letting me greave about getting a shot.