That's a keeper in my mix of collectibles and quack medical items are very collectible. Values are from very little to some very valuable, all depends on condition, working, rarity and desire to own. One of my best finds was a Violet Ray Wand, outlawed by the FDA, these thing claimed to cure just about every medical condition and in reality no or very little medical value. Mine is in perfect shape and works just as it was designed to do, amazing surprise and sensual dazzling cures that must work, a Buck Rogers medical future!
This picture is from Google Images, identical as the one I found, mine is actually in much better shape. Just to lazy today to mess with Photobucket and their time consuming procedures! These devices or similar devices have made somewhat of a modern reincarnation. Not as a medical device, but as a bedroom sex stimulation device, my GF say's "are you out of your F***..g Mind! Medicine has advanced and in the bedroom we keep trying (anything that helps).