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Bestbuy charges 25 bucks to recycle a crt monitors and tv's now - Page 2

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  1. #21
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Quote Originally Posted by Curbside shopper View Post
    This is a mess.

    No one takes them around here, not the trash guys, not goodwill, no one.
    Take a walk in the woods or drive down a back road...and you'll see people are dumping them anywhere they can, abandoned mining areas, back roads are littered with the things...or they have become a permanent part of the landscaping next to the trash cans or end tables on the back porch.

    I understand BB refusing them, but someone needs to come up with something or we're destined to have a bigger pollution problem then we already have.
    Exactly what happens when govt. types make regs that are not fully thought out. This is a diminishing situation, the CRT is very much on the way out of use in any meaningful quantity. So this leaves us with an item that can not be tossed in to the landfill (in most places) and no profit in the recycling of them. Charging manufactures at this time is a waste of more regs since they are not generally being manufactured anymore.

    As I have stated before manufactures pass on the cost of fees, taxes and fines to the end consumer.

    It seems to me this situation leaves all of us holding the bag which is how these things always go. By not providing a legal outlet for these crts those who have enacted these regulation have forced people into illegal actions.

    My wife and I still use a large crt tv and as soon as I come up with a working replacement I am going to get it to the "legal" landfill and pay to have it "disposed" of. I stopped accepting them a few years ago to avoid getting caught with an inventory and no legal outlet. 73, Mike

    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

  2. #22
    TheDude80's Avatar
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    I hope Nulife builds more facilites around the country to help combat this ever-growing problem. Recycling CRTs from Televisions & Computer Screens - © Nulife Glass. It's awesome that they are using glass to make retaining wall bricks, which are 4300 pounds and made up of 85% recycled CRT glass.
    Last edited by TheDude80; 05-01-2016 at 09:24 AM.

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  4. #23
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDude80 View Post
    I hope Nulife builds more facilites around the country to help combat this ever-growing problem. Recycling CRTs from Televisions & Computer Screens - © Nulife Glass. It's awesome that they are using glass to make retaining wall bricks, which are 4300 pounds and made up of 85% recycled CRT glass.
    That's really cool. I had heard of Nu-life but didn't know much about them. Sounds like they have JUST finalized their process of separating the lead. That sounds very encouraging.

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