This is the reason why....
Badcaps Forums - Salvation For Your Electronics!
This forum is about 'Bad capactors' and how to fix things with them in it.
There's a lot of detail there.
Basically a lot of modern electrical items are dieing because of bad capacitors, somewhere along the line somebody got a bad recipe for capacitor oil, this bad oil shortens the life of them and so the capacitors are the weak link.
Most of the time you can fix a flat screen with bad caps by just replacing them with good ones.
Sometimes the bad caps also ruin other parts.
This forum is a treasure trove of information on what to look for, how it happened, how to fix it and anything else needed.
Also some flat screens have other problems, they can often tell you what and how to fix it by just typing in the model number.
Flat screens also have the problem of a single knock or such to the screen ruins them, but in that case the electronics are still good.
Take those electronics out and put them in a flat screen that's got broken electronics and often it goes.
You just fixed a dud flat screen that you can now sell for $200...
You need to build up a good amount of broken flat screens, but you can learn quickly what's wrong and how to fix it.
Or you can just unload it for $20 odd and do very little work at almost no expense.
With my flat screens, one was a bad mylar connection to the screen, real easy fix that one, a 55inch flat screen fixed for free.
At least 2 plasma screens worked when I plugged them in anyway...
Same with a few LED screens.....
And 2 LED screens, somebody just messed up the settings and turned off one colour by accident and couldn't turn it back on.....