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I received a couple of boxes of costume jewelry from a storage unit recently. I know I can sell some of it on
ebay but it feels like a chore.
There is one couple selling costume jewelry on ebay I was looking at. They start all their auctions at 99 cents. But get this ... they list 500 items per day! That's a **** good payday if you can do it without going insane.
Yep it is...granted the last time I got some costume jewelry, I sold a ton at a yard sale (made the money I bought it with back x2 or x3) and then the leftover I dumped as a bulk buy to someone...I don't have that kind of time to list and sell $1 items. They must have some system to be able to bulk list as doing it via Ebay's interface...well that would take so many hours I could not imagine it. Maybe they have a point if sale or ecommerce system that dumps to Ebay via their feed.
I love Ebay for harder to sell items, but most of what I find...say kids items, I can flip by the afternoon locally.
You are right on the gold/silver. I have found several pieces of broken stuff that I got for .25 or $1....one chain I sold at like $120 in scrap. You should grab a cheap loupe off
Amazon and take it. Makes looking at the really small markings much easier...oh and make sure to have your smart phone to look them up along with spending a bit of time getting familiar with the major marks. I found a silver platter at Goodwill that someone missed because it had an European mark...I looked it up to make sure and ran like I stole that thing. I think it cost me $5-8 and it ran about $300 on Ebay for that piece.
Some people resell Goodwill clothes (Our Goodwill for instance gets all of it's stuff from a pretty high end county locally) for a KILLING....you can buy IZOD and other nicer shirts for $3/each and sell for $10-20 EACH....again, invest in a clothes dummy for pics, great listing etc and off you go. Some people I have seen on YOUTUBE go to like 3-4 a DAY and make $200-300 EVERY DAY.
MORAL of this story...for people that say there isn't any way to make money (granted you might not be able to live COMPLETELY on methods like this or get super rich), they are idiots. You just have to THINK, use what is available and put in the work. Someone SOMEWHERE generally wants something you can get your hands on. My company name (and forum name) tells you all you need to know...I BUYSELLTRADESTUFF. If there is a legal market for it and I can make enough to justify the time and effort, then yep, I am doing it.
Again, look at what you have available or LEARN something new, figure out how much can be made from it and RUN IT UNTIL THE WHEELS COME OFF....when that market changes, rinse and repeat with something else. I learned never to sell one thing, I will sell them ALL and when a new widget or market opens, sell that too. I don't need the largest piece of one single pie, I want bites out of ALL the pies....hint, you will get more pie.