i've been toying with ideas on how to adapt to low prices at the scrap yard and i realized i should try and change what i do without getting out of the metal field. one thing i've learned from walking on the side of the road is that the road provides. i figured out if i could efficiently mine the shoulders of major highways i could become rich, and i was right. i'm a couple months deep into my project and here is the stuff that my magnetic car picks up on a near daily basis:
hundreds of dollars in all coins except nickels
all kinds of hand tools that fall out of work trucks
aluminum cans
gold and silver jewelry
lead wheel weights
all kinds of industrial scrap, sometimes it looks like turnings or stuff that is half melted
good electronics like tablets and iphones
aerosol cans
and many more
now, the beauty of this is that while none of this stuff is very heavy, it has way more than scrap value and it is a lot less labor intensive.