Took all my value items into the yard copper, brass, ali, cast iron, motors and some low grade scrap items asked the wife to have a go and tell me how much I will get for it all.
She takes a look and ponders for a little comes back to me with £110.
I then tell her I'm thinking of bout £150 as two items are worth just over £100 had a copper water tank worth £40 and 27kg of stripped wire called the yard two days ago to get a up to date price copper was up to £2.75 a kilo so worked it out to be bout £65 for the wire.
Well the total shocked me as it's the biggest cash in I've had so far came to a grand total of £268.66 plus the copper price has gone up to £2.85 a kilo.
I'm now starting my pile again looking forward to the next payday.