I feel a bit sad and somber .The whole scrap scenario , I see I became completely nuts . I collected by far in excess of many . I found some Pics of old one picture shows my first scrapping van wile still nice & i thought I could walk the path of both worlds , Scrapping and normal car Life
Next picture is the reality what the Scrap (gold) Rush - caused understandably when each 100 pounds equals $10 for mix , wile other metals are superlative
BTW notice the two
microwave magnets on door frame facilitated by broken window
WELL things just got crazy .
For me when the chips are down no matter , price Up or Down some how scrap Recycling can
be-forced to deliver money , yes it has limits but the power is there .
Still My way of scrapping did not fit into the social norm & to this moment I have a scrap that only human fortitude can finish . I have only one direction continue & complete .
I see what happened when I led my self innocently thinking Hey
I'll get a yard container - - mix is $130 a ton & $200 freight cost will equal fuel
SURE well 8500 pounds & $80 was the pay , BTW they don't pay walk in price per ton .
Omittance of truth of per ton pay The wheeling and dealing's of scrap never end .
Any way I need a $1000 by the 12 of Sept Will scrap do it ? -- it's up to me - What to sell
I'll finish off with a cool picture of another scrapper brother or sister these trucks were all over
A different time and place . I can't believe the police let me and others drive around like this
these days Tarp or Ticket . Any how be well my fellow Recyclers