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Looking for opinions on this job

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  1. #1
    Tincankeith started this thread.
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    Looking for opinions on this job

    An old co-works brother left this behide on his property and doesn't want it. So they want to pay me $200.00 to remove it. The trailer is total rusted out and the boat is soft all over so not sellable at all. I'll need to cut it up into pieces to fit in my truck and 5x8 trailer. I'm told the boat weighs 700# and 500 of that is the keel (would be lead or steel I'm guessing). I can dump the boat at the land fill for no cost. I might be able to sell the mast if I can get it down without damage or just scrap it as aluminum. I'm just not sure how hard this is going to be to cut up. With a chainsaw or reciprocating saw. Any thoughts?
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  2. #2
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    I wouldn't do it for that money

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  4. #3
    RLS0812's Avatar
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    The pictures you provided shows a trailer in decent shape ... could you please show the rust holes ?

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  6. #4
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    Cut the mast off, air up the tires and drive to the landfill, unload the boat and sell the trailer and mast. The 500# keel may only bring you another $15 with the low prices. Not worth the hassle.

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  8. #5
    APA's Avatar
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    I would post it on Craigslist for free or if I had to, "haul away for $50". You show up to the boat when they come and get it, help them a little, watch them drive away, and say hello to my little $150 profit friend.

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  10. #6
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    Or perhaps just run away.

    If he is a friend then offer to assist him but leave him responsible for disposing of it. By that I mean you could bring you equipement and trailer and knowledge but its his job.

    I just don't see any return even with him kicking in $200. I know I could spend my time more productively and I know I'm not able to do what you can. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  12. #7
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    What Mike said.

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  14. #8
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    This is a little out of the box, but it is what I would do. Call up a junk removal company and ask them for a quote on removing this thing. If it is less than 200.00, have them do it keep the rest of the cash for doing almost nothing. If it is more than 200.00, charge him more than 200 but less than they would.

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  16. #9
    EDC76's Avatar
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    If you wanted to take this job, a few things:

    1: I would use a reciprocating saw not a chainsaw. A chainsaw would make a huge mess.

    2: My neighbor has a boat very similar to that, only it's a 21' and I helped him put the mast up. The 4 cables are what's holding that mast vertical. The base of the mast fits on nub on top of the deck called a step. Some are hinged, some aren't. Hinged ones are easy to lower. There are plenty of Youtube videos on lowering a mast.

    3: If that keel weight is lead, and you can get it out with no junk attached to it, it's extra money. Around here, clean lead brings about 40 cents/lb. 500lbs of lead = another $200

    4: Some of the miscellaneous brackets are stainless, and don't forget about the tie down cleats. Being near the water, you can definitely sell those.

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  18. #10
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    $500 job around here.

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  20. #11
    cummins's Avatar
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    Looking for opinions on this job

    i took a tri haul bow rider 18ft in last spring cost me 100 bucks at the tranfer station it was rotten and full of water. I winched it on the trailer and away i went. man id have a good look around the property for more goodies. id agree with the 500 for that job with out the disposal. But since you have to cut it uo5id walk away from the job. Or get a 40 yard bin droped off and push it in. dont forget you truck and trailer get a wage too if your haulig5
    Last edited by cummins; 09-06-2016 at 11:34 AM.

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  22. #12
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    would a scrap yard take it as is? If not it seems Yunkmans idea would work.

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  24. #13
    dsroten's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDC76 View Post
    If you wanted to take this job, a few things:

    1: I would use a reciprocating saw not a chainsaw. A chainsaw would make a huge mess.

    2: My neighbor has a boat very similar to that, only it's a 21' and I helped him put the mast up. The 4 cables are what's holding that mast vertical. The base of the mast fits on nub on top of the deck called a step. Some are hinged, some aren't. Hinged ones are easy to lower. There are plenty of Youtube videos on lowering a mast.

    3: If that keel weight is lead, and you can get it out with no junk attached to it, it's extra money. Around here, clean lead brings about 40 cents/lb. 500lbs of lead = another $200

    4: Some of the miscellaneous brackets are stainless, and don't forget about the tie down cleats. Being near the water, you can definitely sell those.

    If you can gain access to the weights in the keel, and they are lead, I would do the job. I make my own ingots and sell for sinkers and bullet casters and get a buck a pound pretty steadily. That boat trailer could be re-purposed, or maybe even sold as is. And the fiberglass wouldnt really weigh all that much, but trash disposal is free for me so you would have to consider that. A sawzall would make short work of cutting it in half if need be. I just cut up a 48 foot semi trailer with a sawzall, so I know a boat would be a piece of cake.

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  26. #14
    Tincankeith started this thread.
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    Thanks for all the input I am weigh all options but really cant make a decision until I can evaluate it in person so I'm going to try and go to his place this weekend to check it out. The boat is a side deal with his out of town brother but my friend has items like a riding mower and other stuff to get from him and ill grab some of that while I'm there.

    This is all a product of living in the country and the guys wife left him now there cleaning up to selling the land.

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  28. #15
    RLS0812's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tincankeith View Post
    This is all a product of living in the country
    If you have access to an open field, that boat would make a nice hot bonfire, leaving behind a relatively easy to clean up pile of pure fiberglass.

  29. #16
    Mike1286's Avatar
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    If you do cut it up, I also second the sawzall. But make sure to get actual fiberglass blades. I had a boat a few years back that i replaced the floor in. Started with a combo wood and nail blade I had lying around. Dulled it good in a few cuts and really tore up the fiberglass into splinters rather than cutting it. Went to home Depot for more. I favor the diablo brand blades. On the rack there was one listed as fiberglass/masonry. It was a long toothless gritty edged blade. Like a tile grout scraper. Worked wonders. Clean and fast cuts. Just wear a mask. That fiberglass dust is no joke. I wore one while cutting. But I took it off for a break and the wind kicked up some dust as I inhaled a drag of my smoke. I was coughing for a couple weeks from it.

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  31. #17
    cummins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RLS0812 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Tincankeith View Post
    This is all a product of living in the country
    If you have access to an open field, that boat would make a nice hot bonfire, leaving behind a relatively easy to clean up pile of pure fiberglass.
    Thats a terrible idea

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  33. #18
    rca987's Avatar
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    Shoot I'd do it for $200. Easy enough haul to my property and drop off. Saw it up on another day.
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  35. #19
    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RLS0812 View Post
    If you have access to an open field, that boat would make a nice hot bonfire, leaving behind a relatively easy to clean up pile of pure fiberglass.
    Please do not do this.......This is some of the worst advice that you could have been given..........These are relatively easy to cut up and if you are not doing anything else this job can be done in a weekend.......Probably $50 worth of sawzall blades and some blood/sweat/tears......At $200 you shouldn't lose money so go ahead and do it and it will be a learning experience
    Last edited by mikeinreco; 09-07-2016 at 11:34 PM.

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  37. #20
    Kalvlin's Avatar
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    I got a free "working" hot tub one time that did not work and I was not in the mood to fiddle with it so out came the sawzall and to the dump it went- in pieces. Took me maybe an hour.
    My dump operator would gladly take it whole and crush it with his loader- he's done a few boats over the years. I personally would not do it for $200 if it was just about the money unless
    the trailer is just rusty ( not rusted out) and solid then it would be worth it because a decent trailer could bring good money if cleaned up and painted ( rustoleum works wonders)
    I can make more money faster on other projects so for me it's a matter of time/labor VS profits made.
    Hope it works out for you whatever you decide.

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