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Weekend haul, my biggest in a while

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
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    dsroten started this thread.
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    Weekend haul, my biggest in a while

    I know I don't post here all that often, but I'm on the site 3 or 4 times a day. Anyways, thought I'd upload a few pics from a weekend cleanup I did for an old friend. They owned a garage here in town for years and years, and actually helped me get my start in the salvage business, and my own wrecker business. While I no longer scrap full time (took a job with benefits a few years ago and just scrap on the side) I stayed in close contact with them. Sadly, the owner passed a couple months back and the family decided to close it down and liquidate everything. After they had gotten what they wanted they called me to clean up the leftovers. So I spent the long weekend loading junk onto trucks and this week it'll all be hauled in.

    A load of heavier scrap stuff. Frame pieces, road tractor parts, etc. Will post a weight once its gone.

    Cleaned out a wrecked 48 foot, semi trailer van body they used for storage. This load is all aluminum, radiators, starters, alternators and other non-ferrous things

    Same load on the other side, not pictured are the buckets of brass fittings they had kept. They were packrats!

    And heres the trailer it was in. 48 foot aluminum body, aluminum floored, with no axles. Quoted price at the yard is .19 a pound. I'll update with a weight once it makes it down there, but I estimate 10,000 pounds.

    Also not pictured is a dump truck load of small parts, bolts and other random junk that was in there. Yard paid me $.04, had 7000lbs on it.

    I know this is not the normal stuff posted here, I just wanted to share my weekend with you all, as I enjoy reading all of the posts and seeing what others are getting into. Hopefully someone else can enjoy this. And I wanted to say that fostering those relationships will bring you this kind of result in the long run. Yes I'm going to make some money here, but I did a lot of really crappy cleanups for these folks when no one else would. And heres the end result. Build relationships!

  2. #2
    jimicrk's Avatar
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    Thanks for the post and the pics and as far as where you posted, it looks like a good place for it.

    I scrap computers and phone systems but I always enjoy reading and looking at pictures of all types of scrapping.

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  4. #3
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    Can't believe I used to haul loads like this.

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    dsroten started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunkman View Post

    Can't believe I used to haul loads like this.
    Wire is the worst thing in the world to deal with. Just a tangled up mess that always rips holes in clothes and get hung up in the trailer.

    The trailer load of steel weighed 7920, at $.04, $316.80
    My dump truck that isnt pictured weighed 7540, same price, $301.60
    The trailer body maybe makes the journey tomorrow, after I get it centered up a little better on the trailer.

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    sledge's Avatar
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    That is the mother of all radiators you have on the top of the truck flatbed.. Whooo Weee!
    Yum Yum!!
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  9. #6
    dsroten started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    That is the mother of all radiators you have on the top of the truck flatbed.. Whooo Weee!
    Yum Yum!!
    Yeah road tractor radiators are nice. It weighs close to 100 pounds I guess. It has 9,634 bolts holding it together (joking of course) so an electric impact is nice, but theres a load of copper in one of them. I have another to get at that same place thats in a junked out cab-over. I'll likely hold onto them for a bit and wait on higher copper prices, or until I need a little cash for the young-un thats coming along this spring.

  10. #7
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    That's an impressive load. Those truck radiators from the old days are heavy brass. Not like the aluminum today. The biggest load I have hauled so far was a water tank that weighed about 3000 pounds from a farm. The owner had torched one end so I could hook my winch to it. Sold for 3 cents a pound or about $120 bucks. The owner did pay me $50 to haul it away but he also gave me some nice old road signs and 25 eight foot long sticks of 1/8th inch angle aluminum.

  11. #8
    dsroten started this thread.
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    Forgot to update...hauled the trailer body away last week. It scaled in at exactly 11,000 pounds. Yard paid me $.19 a pound = $2,090. I gave half of that to the owners. Still a heck of good weekend.

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  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsroten View Post
    I gave half of that to the owners. Still a heck of good weekend.
    I've always given half to the owners, then recently I went to a third and nowadays I'm offended if someone asks me to take their iron. Well not quite that bad but I'm also not pursuing jobs like I once did.

  14. #10
    dsroten started this thread.
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    I only do halfs if the money is right. Steel, no way Jose. Too much work for to little return. But on something like this it works out, and gets me more work. They're giving me another to cut up

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