speaking of the truck going straight to the dump, how many of us would be like a kid playing in the kiddie pool if we could have access inside. I wouldn't know what to do first.
speaking of the truck going straight to the dump, how many of us would be like a kid playing in the kiddie pool if we could have access inside. I wouldn't know what to do first.
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if I may ask, whats a ''Tweaker??'' I have never heard that before.
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Well yes I've heard that before for drug issues I thought maybe there way something about recyclers it pertained to. yeah, I live a sheltered life I have no time for anything else!!
While I applaud everyone for knowing the very specific ins-and-outs of their local regulations, let's toss a little realism and common sense into the mix. The theft of the hot water heater that's been discussed was clearly theft because it was inside a fence, so the contempt expressed for the individual who took it is certainly justified...
I take exception to the use of "dumpster diver" as a derogatory term. I'm a fairly new scrapper - been doing it about six months now. 95% of what I recycle I get from trash. If I see a refrigerator setting against someone's garage door, I will either flat-out pass it by, or I will knock on the door and ask if it is trash and free for the taking. BUT, if I see the same refrigerator setting near the curb on large item pick-up day, common sense tells me that it's free for the taking.
I use my own common sense based on ethics and logic:
- If it's on the curb accompanied by trash on trash pick up day - I'm takin' it.
- If it's on the curb on a day other than trash day, I will knock to ask. If no one answers, I take it and leave a note on their door written on the back of one of my cards. I then make sure to hold on to the item for at least 24 hrs before taking it to the scrap yard.
- If something is leaned up against the house/garage, I knock to ask. If no answer I DON'T take it, but leave a note asking about it.
- If a business's dumpster is in an enclosure, I ask before even looking inside (even if enclosure gates are open).
- If the dumpster is out in the open, I will look. I always make sure to park 10 feet away to get out and look so that onlookers can clearly see I'm not illegally dumping.
- If I see something, I will ask before taking. If not during business hours, I'll take items that are in the dumpster, but will not take items that are merely near the dumpster.
- I always make an attempt to ask about items inside construction dumpsters. If I don't make contact, and it's clear that the items in the dumpster are not being separated for them to do their own recycling and are clearly on their way to the landfill, then I will take items. If it looks like they're trying to separate items to do their own recycling, I steer clear.
- I always stay on the lookout for illegal dumpers. In my area that's as big a problem as theft (actually it IS theft of services). I take down plate numbers and pass them on to business owners. They in return file a report and the city gives out $5K fines.
- I make it a point to leave every dumpster area as clean or cleaner than I find it. I many times clean up after the illegal dumpers or even store employees just to make sure that I, or other scrappers, are not blamed for the mess.
While I'm sure some of my practices are not technically in compliance with the law, I'm comfortable with them and I've not had a single problem with any business owner or private citizen since I've started.
Last edited by Billiard MD; 07-07-2011 at 02:26 AM.
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Billiard...that's good. Your common sense failed you when you forgot to introduce yourself !! Just teasing. Forgive me if I missed it.
Billiard yea i agree with you....i was just pointing out that taking something out of a dumpster without the permission of the waste disposal company IS theft. The bussiness owners cant legaly give you permission to go in the dumpsters cause they dont own them. But like i said...DOESNT STOP ME lol and im sure it doesnt stop Dee either lol
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Food for thought - I put out several barrels with my name at the businesses that I regularly pickup for them to throw repair parts into. I emphasize to them that once stuff is put in them, it belongs to me. Others taking it is considered theft. So, I should just laugh it off that someone else got there before I did and went through my stuff? How far do you carry this? Should the business just laugh off merchandise being taken if they don't keep an eye on it? Should builders just laugh off there copper tubing being taken from construction sites during the night?
People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.
Mick, are the barrels out by the dumpster, or inside the store?
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I was wondering about that, too, Mick. Contractors have a recourse, cause somebody trespassed. Is there any way you could rig up a top that would permit things going in but only you can get things out...like the book drop off at the library?
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Just on the outside of the garage, etc.
Not really, Dee, cause they're plastic barrels. And to be big enough to put stuff in; they'd be big enough to reach in and take out (think brake rotors).
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Thank you mick. no you should not just laugh it off. that is your money make a deal bout it. Hell the freakin frackin wm n allied waste are around here over their dumpsters!!
how about giving containers with say a hinged lid that you can padlock shut? one key for you and one key for the shop
Last edited by stosborn; 07-07-2011 at 12:28 PM.
It's pretty obvious (at least to me) what stuff in a rolloff box is trash (ie: destined to be buried at a landfill), what is being sorted out for scrapping by the person renting the box and what should not be taken.
I had some "scrappers" steal my 14' box truck, a dual axle trailer, an antique car and about two tons of fenceposts and scrap. It was on my remote desert lot but I know they intentionally stole it because after they stole the first load and I re-erected my fence they pulled it down with a truck. The only thing that stopped these theives was me staking out the property with a bondfire and an AK-47. They actually came while I was there, I saw them start to pull in, take a look at the rifle and book out. Never had another problem.
However, anyone who knowingly steals scrap (that includes rusty stuff on property that is not yours that hasn't moved in 30 years and you didn't get permission to take first) is a first class peice of crap and deserves to be shot (In Texas, I can blow your unarmed ass away if you sneak onto my land at night to steal my stuff)
I get most of my scrap from construction/demolition roll off boxes. I always try to find someone to ask before grabbing stuff. Usually this is the nearest worker, which I know isn't the best person or maybe doesn't have right to allow me to take stuff but it's been good enough for me for about 30 years. Usually the guys start giving me the scrap after they get to know me.
Obviously, a big job saves the scrap. I don't steal that or ask the guy delivering pizza if I can take it. However, if you see the guys are saving the copper and then toss some in the dumpster instead of the pile they are making it's obviously fair game.
Taking stuff "out of the trash" has various shades of gray just like everything else in life. If the dumpster's inside a fenced area (or the middle of 10 acres) you should stay out. If the dumpster's on the sidewalk and not taped off or something ask first but you should be able to assess if it's OK to grab something or not. Common sense is just that.
I "dumpster dive" but only in certain types. I would not root around in a buisness dumpster without permission but a temporary box is a little different. Best to ask first if you can. Same goes for stuff sitting on the curb, be polite and ask.
Last edited by fiat128; 07-07-2011 at 02:50 PM.
I knew an old guy who put 4 kids through college "dumpster divin" he also bought em 4 houses. He wore old clothes he bought at garage sales, and had a pair of reading glasses in every coat. Bought em for 5-10 cts at garage sales. He found and used/sold lots of stuff outa dumpsters. He looked like a bum, but had plenty money from dumpster divin for aluminum cans etc.
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I deleted responses to Wendy's post. My apologies if I offended anyone.
Maybe do that but don't let 'em fill up all the way before emptying them. Make sure stuff at the bottom stays more than an arms reach away. And secure it down somehow so it can't just be knocked over.
Eat. Sleep. Scrap.
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