Originally Posted by
I differentiate between a scrapper and a dumpster diver. NOT the same thing.
Yes, but they are not mutually exclusive.

Originally Posted by
My definition of a dumpster diver is someone who is taking someone else's trash w/o permission. It's rude, especially at night, and is nothing less than theft.
You could not be more wrong...
If you (in the past ten years or so) have seen somebody throwing out a water heater or stove, sitting on the curb next to their trash, and you didn't grab it to scrap it because you think it is wrong, I don't think you can call yourself a scrapper. You may be a hauler, or a small
scrap metal broker, or a
metal recycling consultant, or maybe you just have so much money that you can pass up on the opportunity.

Originally Posted by
Ever since prices spiked in '04, I've been scrapping my way into poverty.....
Well, then I guess you are tight for cash, like many of us, myself included. So why wouldn't you grab what is rightfully yours?

Originally Posted by
It's rude, especially at night, and is nothing less than theft.
Well, for one, it is nothing near, not even close, not even the same ball park as theft. When you put something at the curb, it becomes part of the public domain, clear as day. That is the way it works. If your city decided to make it a ticket-able offense (which they haven't from the sounds of it), then, and only then, is it a misdemeanor ticket of usually $25 to $100; which is neither close to the possible jail time of petty theft, nor as dangerous as something like speeding.
I hate metal theft! which is why I do take offense to somebody saying that collecting a perfectly legal source of metal, then recycling it (helping keep commodity prices down, helping conserve energy, helping promote local businesses, helping keep landfill costs low by keeping metal out, helping promote recycling at a grassroots level, helping create competition in the world of sustainability, helping save all the strain on the trash man's lower back) is actually a crime.
Taking something from the trash is not a crime, unless it is a secured dumpster, or you are trespassing.

Originally Posted by
If someone other than my trash man were digging in my dumpster...........well, you've heard the phrase shoot first, ask questions later.
The phrase "shoot first, ask questions later" is idiotic. It's the reason children are shot for trick or treating, and scrappers that are perfectly within their rights are murdered. We have the right to bear arms, but WTF would you unscrupulously shoot somebody for digging in your dumpster? A perfectly decent human being, who has parents or children, and who more likely then not would simply leave when told they were trespassing.

Originally Posted by
Granted, my dumpster is in the center of 10 acres of private property, but is that really relevant?
Yes, that is relevant; It gives you the right to use force if they are trespassing. And that is if you have signs posted telling others to keep out. Even still, why would you kill?

Originally Posted by
[in my opinion] taking something that does not belong to you without permission is absolutely stealing
Taking something from the public domain is not stealing. If you are walking along in the park, and you find a 10 dollar bill folded neatly sitting near a tree. Would you grab it? What if you found it next to the the trashcan in the park? By your logic, taking the bill is stealing; but clearly it is not stealing because it is in the public domain.
Like the park, the garbage curbside collection system is controlled by the government, and the garbage is owned by we the people until it is taken by waste management. That is the reason the police can search your garbage without a warrant, and I can take a perfectly good washing machine for scrap without thinking twice.

Originally Posted by
and if these guys don't find regular jobs again, soon, I will be forced to resort to it myself.
Wait, this confuses me... How is somebody taking from the trash (which you refuse to touch) taking business away from you, unless you too also collect scrap metal from the trash. Do you, or do you not, collect metal from the curb? If anything, these guys are promoting the idea of metal recycling, which in turn makes the recycling business more visible, which in turn would help more people seek the help of a professional, such as yourself.
c4f5, you may be angry that you have competition, but calling them thieves only spoils your's and every other scrapper's reputation, because it implies that what we do is unlawful. Not everybody here collects scrap from the trash, but I see no reason why, when I'm having a slow day, I can't collect junk for an hour or two.
I wrote up a small explanation of why collecting scrap metal is not against the law.
And a small note; whenever I have the opportunity to politely ask somebody if they wouldn't mind my grabbing a broken appliance at the curb, I do. BUT, I never knock on their door, for fear that somebody with a "shoot first, ask questions later" attitude will answer with a hot piece of lead... (over a washing machine or broken lamp of all things!)
(...And that is how you write a rant!)