Not touching the political side...both sides would kill me. HA!
Anyhow...I agree with people have no clue what us
Scrap Metal/Ewasters go through.

People swear up an down what we do is easy, cracks me up. They see my work shop or me moving stuff, etc etc an then it dawns on them...we actually work more then just picking up free **** off the curb. Doing this work..
ewaste an regular scrapping...I've moved fridges, stoves, dryers, washers, water heaters, hundreds of computer towers full still, hundreds of monitors and tube tvs, big ass projection tvs, even bigger ass old school or reproduction wood console ones...tell me I don't work, or it's
I laugh straight to the bank, and cooler, an not give them the benefit of ruining my day. Life's to short.
I tried to say on topic..if I didn't I fully blame Jimi and Hobo. Dam goats.
Sirscrapalot -'s all peaches an cream.