Sometimes the occasion yields rewards far and beyond the initial purpose. For instance, I drove 50 miles pulling an empty 20 ft. trailer yesterday to take a load of bicycles across town to a scrapyard. The guy threw on a 4 cylinder motor to add to the load. It all yielded $17.25 of which I gave him $6.00. While at the yard, I collected a nice stainless steel bucket with a handle and some huge bolts that I'll give to a customer to use on his farm for hitchpins. Also saw a Murray riding mower at the yard which I need for steering parts and will have a chance to buy that.
Oh yes, my original purpose for travelling 50 miles was to bring home a load of crushed rock for my driveway and to take the wife to the chiropractor. Multitasking makes it work. How did I unload 2.74 ton of crushed rock? Kept driving the skidsteer on the trailer and taking loads off with the bucket until I got down to the last 100 lbs or so when the shovel and broom were necessary.
Did the wife help? No..........she just got a treatment. Remember ?