Got a call a couple of days ago from a commercial electrician from my craigslist ad. Said they were renovating a building, and had to replace light fixtures. I thought he said about 60, but maybe he was talking about something else, or I just flat misunderstood. Went by the building to pick up some in my truck and see where it is so I can go by later with my trailer, and there they were. Over 200 of them, about 2/3 of them with the aluminum lattice work in them for efficiency. I called him up to make sure they were all suppose to go, and he said yes. Plus he ended up with saying he would have more in the future if I wanted them, and I said "keep my number, I am your man". Craigslist ads can sometimes take a while, but they will start working. This gives me now 4 clients who will call me when they have something to be picked up.