My biggest surprise was an old air conditioner, at least that is what we think it was. We got hooked up with a guy who had one of those yards, you know the ones that I am talking about, the ones that make a hardcore scrap junkie drool when they drive by. Anyway, I went up and knocked on the door and asked about the scrap...>The guy came out and said sure, if we would clean up his yard for free we could have all the scrap...So my buddy and I walked the property with the guy and he pointed out one or two things he wanted and the rest was ours. We came across this thing that looked like an air conditioner without the outer shell. We loaded it up and took it back to the garage, thinking that the radiators were going to be the standard copper aluminum deals...Boy were we wrong...Both of the rads were all copper! We were stoked....This was a lot of years ago, when copper was at $.90 per pound and we were still thrilled (we were getting 1/2 cent per pound for steel at the time) I can't remember what we got for those rads but it was a great find for us