As of last week, our "tin & wire" is the same as your "shred" price, 3 cents a pound. That's still better than in early August when prices had dropped from the week before and I only got about 1.5 cents a pound. I probably wouldn't have taken any in at that point but I did need room on my side of the garage so there's some trade off. My steel loads are very small, because that's not what I target and my scrapping is strictly hobby stuff. The only upside is that the steel taking place is only 3 miles away so there's almost no cost in going there for me.
repurpsoer, what's your brass and #2 Cu price down there? Our #2 Cu is pushing towards $1.80, at least a couple of weeks ago when I took some in, so I don't have a problem with that. I guess if you don't really need the money and can horde, its your choice. I'm always in need for a little hobby cash flow so don't horde unless prices are really in the toilet. Most people have a breaking point, and mine is ok at present...