Hopefully at Carhenge but the advantage of western Nebraska is straight-shot roads and a tendency for clear days in late August. - Auminer
Disadvantage is...it's Nebraska.
Time for a distraction..
Congrats on 16 years TO!
Road trips rock. Told the wife next year we head out west...take 40 an hop off an on to 66.
Road trips are great tho...you can head out with one destination in mind, an end up doing something completely different due to finding something or somewhere along the way.
Favorites of traveling trips...Bourbon trail in Kentucky, Cadillac ranch, and silly stop in the middle of Arizona or NM ( I forget which) where for a buck you can view an alien! The signs you see leading up to it are funny to.
Have fun, stay safe, an be ready to share your adventures with us. Or at lest me...I dig road trips.
Sirscrapalot - Putting along on the highway of life.