For the benefit of newbies , for all purposes this is
whats inside a piano, different shapes some have a touch more cast iron some less
the strings can often be sold as copper bearing handle with care they can hurt you due to tension
even with no tension it can hit an Eye .
With a
mallet crack side parts & center bars of cast iron that will relieve tension I've also used bolt cutters on wires first
they are long and keep you away from strings as they go ting from getting cut .
I once had a string go into my finger and out
I had to cut one end then pull out . No problem kept on working .
Often people put to curb hoping some one wants an old piano, but after a few rain storms
it looks like crap and a scrapper is a welcome sight,
This type of project requires a bit of commitment so permission to take apart might be a good idea
The end result is a pile of easy to manage wood for the local trash truck & the scrapper keeps what equals $$
it's a huge favor for owner of old piano . You will need a broom .