So I think I read an old thread about the future of scrapping, so if this is redundant I apologize in advance. That being said, I was thinking about the future of scrapping walking through home depot the other day. Walk though any Home Depot/Lowes appliance section and you see these really fancy refrigerators with the touch screen that shows you what's in it and when to buy more food. It's basically a computer that happens to have a fridge inside. The new washer and dryer combos are similar in that they talk to you and tell you when its ready. That's just a small example of the technology going into traditionally simple appliances. My point is, if and when people start throwing these things to the curb, you're not just gonna come by and haul it straight to the yard, you're gonna need to take the e-scrap out first or you'll be losing money. I see this hobby/industry going very much toward e-waste scrapping. What do you guys think? Comments, rants, concerns, lets hear it.