question. A 99 dakota came into the yard i work at the other day so i walked over and fired it right up. drove it around and went through all the gears. the yard wants $700 for it and even if it blew up tomorrow I could get at least $500 out of it in scrap/core value.
the truck: has normal dodge rust above the rear wheel, and fading/feels like sand paper paint on the roof but the frame is more solid than the toyota I'm driven now and the interior is cleaner. its got a 3.9 v6 5 speed with 300,000 miles on it. came from a dealer who has a thing where if something past a certain model year sits too long or they loose out big time on promotional trade ins they automatically sell to the yard. the only reason they got it was it hit exactly 300k and guy said its time for something new.
my plans: find pieces of scrap and make a scrapping cage for it add fluids as necessary but spend almost nothing on maintenance. unless the parts come from a scrap truck (we get a lot of dakotas come in) if its not needed to perform driving IE radio, AC, windows, body parts, creature comforts, i would either take them out as they break or just let them be broken. Use it to tow a s-10 pickup trailer i made and make it my primary scrap hauler till it blows up for good.
with all that being said my question is do you think i could get another year or two (20-40k miles) out of it? since the body and frame are still good and not really all that old would it be worth it to swap engines with another (possibly scrapped since we get so many of them) dakota when the engine does finally blow? since its a stick shift would the tranny (except the clutch) last longer than an automatic? and if you were in my position would you buy it knowing that at most you'd only loose $200 if it blew up tomorrow?
Id sorta prefer scrapping in this truck since I only have two trucks. ones a brand new 2017 tacoma which already has scrapping scars in the paint and the other a 98 tacoma both have 2.7L 4 bangers and I'm pretty sure within the next year or two the 98 will need to go see toyota about the rust recall on them. so it will be either A) down for 5-6 months getting a new frame (and new seals in some parts) or B) turned into $4000+ cash money. either way that would leave me with only the 2017 and possibly an old m35 if i can save up enough before the taco rusts. right now i use both my trucks pretty regularly and could not imagine being down a truck for 6 months. your opinions?