So I answer a Craigslist add for 6 free computers. Call the guy up and he says only 5 left. Normally I would not travel for a small load, but this guy was in the next town over and said they are older ones. So the next day I start to drive down there and get this feeling he is going to have so-so computers but with CRT monitors lol. I think it over as I'm driving, and decide I will bite the bullet and take the CRT's too if that is what he has. I get there and they are normal older Dell computers / no hard drives. No monitors, keyboards, or mice. Oh well. As we chat he say to me, I have a couple of PC boards if you want them? Sure, I said. I didn't realize he meant gold tab boards and 155 of them!!! Now that's more like it
It just goes to show you that a mediocre add can turn into a major score. BUT....... to borrow Paul Harvey's line..... And now the rest of the story.... That was part one of my encounter. Part 2 as soon as I can get the pictures ready. But here's a teaser line he feeds me as I am leaving ----- Do you also have a need for some CPU chips?? SAY WHAT????