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Cordless tools after 16 years

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    CopperHeadAKA started this thread.
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    Cordless tools after 16 years

    16 years I got into buying cordless tools -back then there was plenty of eye candy
    even with charger's that took an hour recharge - - Yup the good old days .
    Back then I went for Dewalt
    16 years ago I did contractor work
    It did not take long to realize the $600 kit could not be casually be left untended
    Sooooooo as a sacrificial goat for $150 ( on sale ) Ryobie had a kit & found them a great low cost
    cordless choice .Jobs with others roaming about I use Ryobie
    Years have past , Guess what ?
    my Dewalt kit is still here but the batteries have like clock work
    needed replacement every 14 months even if batteries were never used
    And after 16 years the same batteries the Ryobie still works
    It's like time traveling I use the Ryobie and it's like the 16 years are like last week
    The Dewalt are like sure there great but need an investment every 14 months
    Copper Head and CopperHeadAKA (same person)
    I am back to my skill set from the 80's Painting & all that follows it
    I removed myself from the trash company I worked for as of 2 years ago
    I find scrap non the less

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  3. #2
    harsas's Avatar
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    I find it depends on the job. I have a Ryobi that I use for stripping computers and it is great. But when I am turning 3" screws through cabinets and into studs or drilling a 2" hole in an inch and a half countertop, it just does not have the guts. My Dewalt, purchased more than 20 years ago does and yes it eats batteries, although I have generally gotten more like 3-4 years out of the batteries.
    Have Fun,

    I hate rules, but I love junk.

  4. #3
    CopperHeadAKA started this thread.
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    No doubt the power of my Dewalt was never a problem , they take on hard work .
    Maybe I just got hit with batteries that were not the usual . One of these days
    i'll treat my self to the conversion kit . I should probably rephrase and say , it's not so much Ryobie is better
    but when I needed a kit to do a fast job recently for a customer .
    I grabbed my Ryb drill .I charged the old batteries & just used it , Some times when life is in a hectic state
    a tool with excessive guts is not the need . Just a drill that works !! All said and done my $600 kit sit's dormant
    the Ryobie worked - - like the saying - - A bird in the hand is worth more then 2 in the bush .

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  6. #4
    ScrapmanIndustries's Avatar
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    I like the new cordless impact drivers they have out now and cordless is good for smaller jobs away from power outlets, but i seem to be a fan of corded tools. Especially when drilling through metal. I got a small 4k watt generator and can power almost anything endlessly no matter where im at, just as long as I give it gas. Corded tools in my experience also last longer than cordless as well. Alot of my tools are hand me downs from my dad or his dad, and all I need to do is plug em in when it comes time to use em.

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