So a private client hit me up to come pick up some auto scrap as he was cleaning out this garage after working on his Audi. Was a little tin, a little cast aluminum, a little No 1 iron, nothing remarkable but a pleasant little pick-up from someone who lives close by that cost me just two bottles of beer (Note for fellow new scrappers reading this: originally met this guy after answering a first come, first serve ad on Craigslist. I was not first come that day but left a business card and now I'm always first come because he just calls me. Even failures can be opportunities if you're prepared!). I also had a GM converter I'd picked up a little earlier in the day and not unloaded yet. Immediately after that I answered an ad to come pick up some scrap at a private residence. They were offering 40+ hard drives, a working HP tower and then a bunch of tin. But for 40 hard drives and a working machine I'll make the trip! So the guy sees I've got some car parts in the truck and asks what they are. I tell him a bunch of random used Audi parts and a camaro converter. He says, "How much you want for them?" I was only gonna make about $10-15 on the scrap - all the parts were removed, not new - and the converter cost me $40, figure I'd get $65-70 on it minus a little shipping. So I said, $75 and he gave me $80 instead. First time I've ever sold scrap on a scrap pick-up! Cleared $40 before even thinking about the new-ish HP tower and hard drives.