I'm strictly a part-timer, though there are many people here who operate full time. They will have some better insight. One thing I can tell you from my experience is that the more effort I make, the more opportunities I find (which is true with most any endeavor). Just telling friends, family, and random others about what I do has led to a number of nice (for me) scores. I couldn't live on what I make scrapping, but then again, if I hit it hard full time, I bet I could come close. I've placed the occasional CL ad, and have made a couple of random calls to computer shops, etc., and have made some decent spending money off of those. I know I could do much better by expanding my efforts, but like you, I have another job. Scrapping is 180 degrees from my "real" job, but I get far more satisfaction from scrapping ... anyway, start working all the angles as your time currently permits. You mentioned your Grandfather had clients, so as you can, try to make contacts and see where it leads. You've got an interesting backstory there to share as needed, so don't hesitate. Random efforts will give you random results (which is fine if you're just looking for the occasional beer, etc., money), but as noted, if I had the time and a bit more space, I could do much more than I am by concentrating and making a serious, consistent effort. One of the computer shops is now a regular stop for me. They don't always have a lot of stuff, but there's been a few hits there that I consider home runs. I wouldn't have had those without asking. Good luck and post back with results.