After reading here for a while, I got the wild idea of asking my workplace (a county jail) about taking away some old
e-waste stuff that looked like it had been there since I started. I approached the Jail Commander and told him I was in to precious metal recovery and he was interested so I told him a little about it. First he told me to check for a type of sticker that is put on most government property. If it had the sticker, that meant it had to be disposed of via auction. After looking around, not a single thing I had seen had a sticker. Once I told him that, he wanted to walk around and see specifically the things I was talking about. He let a lot of it go, said no to a few things, and told me to wait on a couple others to make sure he was ok to let them go. Here's most of what I was allowed to take now.
Not pictured is a CRT TV and a medium sized paper shredder that bit the dust.
Hoping a few people can tell me what some of these things are and anything special to look for or watch out for.
This thing?
We'll call this #3?
And this #4 (get it)? What are the orange things?
Anyways, this is just a cool thing for me to get my hands on, this is just hobby level stuff for me so it felt pretty cool. And it's possibly still going to end up with more stuff too. Any help with this is of course appreciated and thanks for the informative posts in the past that gave me enough of a plan to get this done.