Yesterday I broke down 2 air compressors at a gas station, and while I was doing so, I sat my socket set on top of a washer. When I was unloading at the yard, I saw a socket, and thought what? oh whatever, then kept finding more, then saw my set nestled in between a washer and compressor, then a small pile of them. I don't know if I lost any haven't checked yet, I just thankfully got them and dumped them in my cup holder, but still scary.
Also was walking kind of fast by my trailer the other day, close fit between it and the wall, I carry my keys on my belt loop, my car key somehow caught in my tail light housing or something, and it stopped me, and bent my key almost to 90°, that was pretty weird.
Usually more just going too fast and hurting myself, forgetting stuff, setting my keys anywhere, don't do that.
Almost forgot, one time I had 14 or 16 shopping carts on my uncles 5x8, I had the gate down flat, (had long chains so I could do that, only do that trick with light loads please) and I didn't strap them good enough so every time they moved it cut the strap a little, then I started going up a hill, the strap was cut by now but I didn't know. They were all bungee corded together, thankfully.
Well, they gracefully rolled off the trailer like a team of horses, peeling back one eyelet for the pin, and bending the other side of the gate in the middle pretty good. I was on a two lane road, there was a little turn spot to go into a neighborhood, and that is where they stopped. Didn't hit any cars, and weren't in the way of traffic. Wow thank you Jesus. I had to push them uphill onto the trailer one row at a time and leave 2 there for later. Strap your stuff good.