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Today big aluminum score

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Lexwallm started this thread.
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    Today big aluminum score

    Cleaned extruded aluminum fence, on site, by unscrewing screws today with my dad, enough screws to evenly coat the bottom of a 5 gal bucket, which is more than it seems like, a lot, to be specific. they're not super little but still there was a lot of them. Had to drive an hour to this ranch where it was. A lot of aluminum, nice. 18 ft trailer full, almost full, and a shred load that fit on my 5x10. It was hot, but some clouds, a little wind, we had shade close by, and we had well water out of a hose hookup to refill our thermoses with. It tasted good/fresh. We laughed, we didn't cry, but got aggravated occasionally and hurt each other with metal on accident. We sweated. I know i spelled that wrong, i think its funny. I'm actually really good at spelling. I'm tired. I'm a redneck, literally, and on the inside, i can't deny it. I'm also Christian, and check the tools and equipment thread titled "This" to see the sweet, sweet tool God had me have in my toolbag not on purpose that i really needed today to unscrew every little screw. Good night yeeeaaahhh. This is a day in the life of a scrapper, check it out. Maybe you want to scrap, maybe you should. Its dangerous, its exciting, its different everyday, it pays good if you do it a lot, it's hard work. It might be for you, it might not. Do your homework. I also had super good burgers for dinner.
    Last edited by Lexwallm; 09-01-2017 at 11:21 PM.

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  3. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    That was 100% positive. I'm sure you got a good night's sleep. Your spelling is great, mine is due to spell check.

    One thing look into where and when it's ok to insert a paragraph break. Paragraph breaks makes reading far easier and makes the writer's thoughts flow. Thank you for contributing. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  5. #3
    DakotaRog's Avatar
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    Your spelling is great, mine is due to spell check.
    Yep, spell check rules, especially when a guy has spelling dyslexia like I think I do.

    Good job on taking down the extruded alum fence, its bring north of 50 cents a pound here. It sounds like it was good hard honest work and you bonded with your dad. What may seem like a pain by sweating in the FL summer and undoing hundreds of screws will become a good memory for you in later years, especially when you dad is gone, which usually happens to all of us. Far better than some pathetic, lost convicted killer awaiting execution and his best memories with his family are the number of times and specific places they all got wasted together, no other deep thoughts than that. Good luck and find more jobs like that one, maybe not so far out in the bush next time!

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  7. #4
    Lexwallm started this thread.
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    I'll try to post a pic of the load but cant get to it until Tuesday, can't believe we didn't take a picture duh

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