Today was our first scrap payday at the scrap yard. I did sort everything as I was working on breakdown of computers/electronics. I had large plastic bins marked for types and just threw everything where it was supposed to go. I didn't mind sorting because it helped me learn based on things I've read here on the forum about metal types. We only made two small mistakes which were easily put in the right pile by the yardman we worked with today which was to our advantage $$.
My husband and I are pretty happy with our first scrap payday, we brought home just a little over $270 for 411 lbs of
scrap metal, aluminum, copper

The recycle yard here in Las Vegas was very helpful and friendly especially with us being new at scrapping. We used SA Recycling over by Nellis AFB.
For me the sorting was an advantage as I could keep track of weights, learn about the metal types and try to maximize the payout for my small load.
Oh, and sent 130lbs to Ewasted at CFCS yesterday. I'm leaving Las Vegas to go back home on Monday for good, husband is Military and he's stationed here, deploying soon. So hopefully when I get back to WA I can started scrapping again

I really do enjoy doing this.