Although I rarely do this, I would like to take the time to Thank those that post helpful advice on this forum. even if your not a complete beginner and think you have the scrap game figured out theres still a lot of things on here that I probably would not have learned elsewhere. I have been scrapping since slightly before this forum started but didn't even know what a forum was until recently. Just following the advice of some of the wisdom found in older threads has been making my paydays bigger and more frequent. and although I can not place an exact dollar amount on the knowledge I have gained, following the advice I saw Patriot76 post in a reply to something awhile back, I have made my own
business cards and started finding ways to distribute them. Already I got a call from some guy who saw one and he gave me a stove, grill, 3 bikes and 2 brake drums. I also learned about
escrap through the forum. The pile of ecrap I have personally is not all that much to brag about yet but at least 400 lbs of low grade circuit boards out of Tv's have been kept from rotting in the woods, and about 50 tv yokes have been smashed apart for their copper. I also got the yard I work for to start taking apart computers instead of shredding them, and although its taking awhile to fill up a box we almost collected a gaylord of motherboards.
So to anyone who is thinking about joining the forum, even though you yourself still have to put in the work and the effort, the knowledge you can gain on here even being a seasoned veteran of scrap, can really help improve your methods and also your paydays.