LOL that's funny!
When I first started (with cans) I didn't realize that mice AND snakes will often use aluminum cans for "shelter" during winter here. I used to pick up a lot of cans along country roads in those days. One day, I was getting back in the car and realized there was a snake in the back seat. I looked it up later and I'm pretty sure it was a garter snake, but I suppose those will bite if threatened. Either way, I wasn't keen to find out by personal research. Tried to get him out with a stick, etc. He slithered away to somewhere and I wasn't sure if he got in a bag or a can but I put as many bags of cans in the trunk as I could. That was a LONG drive home because I kept thinking he was going to get me at any moment.
Unfortunately, he died. I put all my bags in the back yard for a few days to give him the chance to escape. Obviously, I was the bigger threat. I've had a few cans with mice, usually mothers with babies. I don't pick up as many cans on roads anymore, but I no longer assume that weighty cans are just full of cigarette butts!