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  1. #1
    adda started this thread.
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    "Trash score" recently leaves me with questions (but happy with the cash)

    Not too long ago, I was rummaging in a trash can (gas station) for the aluminum cans and found a box - sealed - with walkie talkies inside (Midland X-Talker). I'm not super familiar or interested in walkie talkies so the box sat around until recently when I needed a few dollars. I checked e-bay and etc then posted them on FB group for a bit less. I was blown up with people wanting them. So ... I did make a quick sale (though less than if I had more time to let them sit for a higher price). But I can't help but wonder why someone would throw something like that in the trash? Just seems sort of "nuts" to me. Any insights, where something is NEW, unused and just thrown out?

    I've found things (usually at car wash) that are pretty obviously likely the result of crimes ... which also makes me wonder how others deal with similar that may/may not be related to crime? I mean, I've found CASH ($25 one night, another time a $5) in the trash and I've done "dumb" stuff like that (I was saving in a coffee can and accidentally threw it away but remembered and got it back in time), but things like wallets, purses, phones? I stopped a police officer one night and tried to give him the wallets I'd found in alleys and dumpsters (some with ID) on recent forays, but he claimed to be "off duty" and couldn't take them. I've tried even to see if I can find contact info for people but usually no luck and that can add up to some time. I mean, too, if I can't contact the person I CAN take them to the police station, but I can't "drop everything" and just go there whenever. So, I am wondering how others handle these sorts of things?

    Wasn't sure if this would be the "most appropriate" forum, but I figure a lot of you have run into similar in your "day of the life" and have some insights and wisdom (good stories??!) to share.


  2. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    If I find a wallet or purse and cant locate them I drop it into the postal mail box
    Better than the dump!

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  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by hobo finds View Post
    If I find a wallet or purse and cant locate them I drop it into the postal mail box
    You have way too much faith in our govt employees, especially the postal service!

  5. #4
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    I found a bank bag (small green zip up kind) with dollar bills sticking out of it. The crazy thing is I couldn't stop as I was on a tractor, so I went on to the field and sprayed peanuts for an hour. Then I went back to my truck and went to the place I saw the bag. It was still there by a busy highway and had over $500 in cash and checks in it. I returned it to the store it came from and got a "thank you but I wish you'd found my silver dollar I always keep in the register". I went back and actually found it on the opposite side of the road. For that Morgan dollar, I got a $20 reward!!

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    mikeinreco's Avatar
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    Funny story at least to me anyway........I was semi-homeless at the time and a drunk so for extra money I would walk a can route.........Many miles to scrap yard and would differ the route depending on the trash schedule.......Either way on one of my routes for two weeks in a row when I checked their trash can for empties there would be an unopened case of beer.......Talk about a score!!!!!

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  9. #6
    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Funny story at least to me anyway........I was semi-homeless at the time and a drunk so for extra money I would walk a can route.........Many miles to scrap yard and would differ the route depending on the trash schedule.......Either way on one of my routes for two weeks in a row when I checked their trash can for empties there would be an unopened case of beer.......Talk about a score!!!!!
    Sounds like the 'Beer Gods' were lookin' out for you...

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  11. #7
    NJSouth's Avatar
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    If I had to guess, I'd say the walkie talkies were part of a crime. Just like a gun or anything else they dump. Good score though.

  12. #8
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Sometimes when a company liquidates there's some real weird stuff that goes up for auction.

    Sometimes a item they used or sold is made up of A & B & C.
    But there was a over run of B. Or a minimum purchase order, or a good discount for X number of 'B's.

    And C costs a lot, so they order in C when they want to produce that item.
    And 'A'? Its a 'off the shelf item', they can get as many as they want, whenever they want.

    Then years later they liquidate and there's a big box of brand new 'B' which are near useless for sale without 'A' & 'C.

    You see this happen at nearly every liquidation.
    Last edited by eesakiwi; 02-20-2018 at 07:37 AM.

  13. #9
    ScrapmanIndustries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeinreco View Post
    Funny story at least to me anyway........I was semi-homeless at the time and a drunk so for extra money I would walk a can route.........Many miles to scrap yard and would differ the route depending on the trash schedule.......Either way on one of my routes for two weeks in a row when I checked their trash can for empties there would be an unopened case of beer.......Talk about a score!!!!!
    sounds like someone had a drinking problem and their spouse was trying to get them to stop. either that or they were watching you closer than you thought.

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