Today was one of those hot, busy, OUTSTANDING days. Went on a call to pick up a few appliances, and the nice gentleman also had a vintage Coke Machine that he needed to get rid of.
It's been in the basement for 25 years, and is a model from the late 50s/early 60s (one of the select-o-matics!) You seasoned scrappers here probably remember having to turn a dial on the machine to select your Coke product?
Anyway, I estimate it at about 350lbs...not that I'm going to scrap it, but scrap metalscrap metalscrap metalscrap metal, it was a heavy one! (tall, too).
It's in very good condition...turned on when plugged in, but I didn't get a chance to see if it was cooling down. Just a few odd parts missing, but looks like the mechanisms inside are good, as well as the bottle racks and all of that.
It NEVER ceases to amaze me, as far as what people just give away for free!