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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    I always tell people my partners job is to keep the varmits out of my scrap. I used to have two labs for this portion of the business, but now I am down to one. Evidently she was sleeping on the job because when I opened the door to get the VIN # this was what I found:

    The crew at the scrap yard adopted the raccoons because they had just opened their eyes and could be trained. I told them it was their Christmas bonus and I would bring mom in on the next load.

    Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong that just the link is posted and not the picture?
    Last edited by Patriot76; 05-20-2018 at 08:29 PM.
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  3. #22
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    This is yesterdays haul, three aluminum semi cabs filled with various aluminum. I spent today preparing and sorting it. The skid steer is down so it was loaded by hand.

    Last edited by Patriot76; 05-22-2018 at 10:35 AM.

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  5. #23
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Some of my spectators are wildlife. I will try to share as I get pictures. I scrap in two locations, the plains of the Buffalo Commons and the mountains of Wyoming. You will see a variety of pictures from each.

    This tom turkey is in his mating dance.
    Last edited by Patriot76; 05-20-2018 at 08:32 PM.

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  7. #24
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    Dig the old truck and the process of loading and securing loads.

    I upload pics from my phone to Imgur then when on my desk top click the image and a menu of different codes comes up for the pic. Use the BBCode for message boards and copy, right click and copy then just paste that in your post without clicking any of the buttons on the SMF Toolbar. I'm sure this can be done from a phone as well but I have never tried. Hope that helps Patriot.

    Edit: I just tried uploading some pics from my desktop to Imgur and the first time I clicked the pic the full menu of "copy" options didn't come up but the second time it did and the BBCode was there.
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 05-18-2018 at 06:34 AM.
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  9. #25
    Faceball's Avatar
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    IMGUR posting

    make sure your image is resized to less than 600x340 (optional, i haven't been able to upload large pics)

    copy the DIRECT LINK from your desired picture

    on SMF , in the text field where you want your pic, click INSERT IMAGE from the top and PASTE in your IMGUR link.

    that should do it

    you should be able to go back and edit your previous posts and insert pics with this method
    Last edited by Faceball; 05-19-2018 at 04:57 PM.
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  11. #26
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Thanks KzScrapper and Faceball. I just finished editing the pictures based on your insights. I had two problems, first I was trying to drag the pictures to Imgur and then I was not waiting long enough for them to download before trying to copy the code. At least for the moment I am on a roll.

    This might be a good time to show my winch and how it is set up. I built a receiver hitch on my flatbed. All of my trucks have a receiver hitch in the back and one has been added to the front of two trucks. I am able to remove and add the winch as the need presents itself. Between 4 x 4 trucks, chains on four tires, and a winch that can be attached to the front or the back of the truck it is hard to get stuck for long.

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  13. #27
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    I love being included in your adventures, without the rain, snow, sweat, etc. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  15. #28
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    As if there were not enough trucks and trailers, I decided to add to the collection. My 2000 F350 with the blue flatbed gooseneck and black tub trailer built out of a stock trailer have been in previous pictures. I love my 7.3 diesel so I bought this 2002 F450 dually with the same motor with a 36 ft. flatbed trailer. The motor has 140,000 miles on it, trailer includes a 4 ton winch, two tool boxes, 10 20ft. chains, eight binders, and new tires on both rigs. The only disappointment is that it is not a four wheel drive.

    Forty five decent loads will pay for the entire package.

    Last edited by Patriot76; 06-07-2018 at 11:07 AM.

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  17. #29
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    I still wish they had "drag and drop" feature for photos on this site. It is made very difficult.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    This will eventually be the story of rural scrapping and the daily adventures. I am trying to learn how to download pictures and could not delete the thread after failing. The intent is to create a thread in line with the "Community Water Tanks", "Scrappers Dream," "A Tumbleweeds View of Scrapping," "Christmas Gifts from Scrap," etc. All of these threads were destroyed compliments of Photobucket. When I figure it out, I will share.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  19. #30
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    Likely an old UHaul truck. I like it!

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  21. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    No I cannot haul a hefty trash bag. Give me a machine and I will haul one of these. A 4 x 4 x 4 chemical tote is used to store non-ferrous and they are heavy when full.
    what do you do with this?

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  23. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by wildliferacer View Post
    what do you do with this?
    Sell the contents when it gets full.

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  25. #33
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by RagnBone View Post
    Likely an old UHaul truck. I like it!

    It was originally an ambulance and had the kit installed for the cab. The frame allowed for the installation of a 8 1/2 x 11 1/2 ft. flatbed. The sideboards are made from composite material and the plan is to extend them around the flatbed. This is where I usually store my non-ferrous on trips to the yard.

  26. #34
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimicrk View Post
    Sell the contents when it gets full.
    The original goal was to sell when I had twelve of them full. With the new trailer I might shoot for twenty. This is part of my savings plan for the wife's retirement vacation. Non-ferrous is collected and stored this way because my main hauls are ferrous. I am hoping to negotiate a great price when it is all cashed in.

    Some hedge against inflation with gold and silver or invest in the stock market and some save cash for a rainy day. This seems to complicated for this simple mind. Therefore I collect non-ferrous for these situations. Yes the value of scrap may decline, but I will still be able to make bullets and fishing weights. Old timers will remember the discussions about turn and burn or stockpile when prices were low. Stockpiling is still my strategy and pictures will be provided in the future to show my non-ferrous sheds.

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  28. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    The original goal was to sell when I had twelve of them full. With the new trailer I might shoot for twenty. This is part of my savings plan for the wife's retirement vacation. Non-ferrous is collected and stored this way because my main hauls are ferrous. I am hoping to negotiate a great price when it is all cashed in.

    Some hedge against inflation with gold and silver or invest in the stock market and some save cash for a rainy day. This seems to complicated for this simple mind. Therefore I collect non-ferrous for these situations. Yes the value of scrap may decline, but I will still be able to make bullets and fishing weights. Old timers will remember the discussions about turn and burn or stockpile when prices were low. Stockpiling is still my strategy and pictures will be provided in the future to show my non-ferrous sheds.
    I like your strategy, not complicated. For me I may do the same with ewaste. I don't need the money now and I'm not doing large quantities any longer.

    Thank you for sharing. 73, Mike

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  30. #36
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    A picture of the new trailer before it goes to work. In the background you can see the front of my tractor trailer combo.

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  32. #37
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    This is a typical job site. This was taken about half way through the cleanup. This is the site the three aluminum semi cabs came from.

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  34. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patriot76 View Post
    A picture of the new trailer before it goes to work. In the background you can see the front of my tractor trailer combo.

    That's one sexy rig. Mike

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  36. #39
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    The new rig will be replacing this tractor trailer. The cost to license, insure and maintain this rig was cost prohibitive. The drop deck trailer was nice because it had hydraulic ramps and a thirty ton winch. It will still be used to haul hay and machinery around the ranch. Our state does not require a CDL when hauling personal property within 100 miles of home.

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  38. #40
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Thought some might be interested in some of the visitors that appear at the job site. During the spring and fall the sky is covered with geese as they migrate. The white spots on the ground and in the air are snow geese. There are literally ten's of thousands of geese surrounding the country side.

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