I went back to respond to a concern raised in a post about the issue of politics being discussed. The thread has been deleted (as far as I can tell) which is good because this response will be in my thread and only those that are interested will read this.
First the author assumed it would fall on deaf ears which I can assure them it did not. I am guilty of referring to politics and their effect on the scrap business for there is a fine line between politics, economics, and scrap. When that line is defined on the forum, I will adhere to the guidelines. I have been careful not to interject my personal beliefs while providing documented information or questions to the subjects raised. The exception is when our country or veterans are attacked. Although I have held back in my responses out of respect for the forum these were definitely political statements.
I agree politics should be limited on this forum but suggest another topic area be created to include the impact politics/economics has on
scrap metal prices. It is hard to talk about one without including the other. If this is not to be considered then maybe we need to remove the off topic discussion area. Although I enjoy the jokes, quotes, and even the goats, they very seldom have anything to do with
scrap metal. Once again I am only questioning where the line should be drawn, not drawing the line. That is the advantage of a democratic republic, let the system decide.
I have a great deal of respect for the moderators although I am not sure who is serving that role. It is a tough position and no matter what they do, some of the members will think they made the wrong decision. I would offer the same advice I gave parents when I was in education, if you think you can do a better job, step up to the plate and volunteer. I cannot take this position because the next anti-American post will get me fired. I promise future posts will focus on rural scrapping.