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War Stories about Scrapping Injuries & Close Calls - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    SKWrapper's Avatar
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    I'm fine but my truck isn't.

    I broke my back right window. (sliding window truck so 3 pieces) Not happy with myself.

  2. #22
    Kalvlin's Avatar
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    If you wear you steel toe boots, Carharts, chaps, leather gloves, eye protection, ear protection, safety helmet and have your tetanus shot
    you should be Ok ? Did I miss anything ? Oh yea , got bit in the ankle by a brown recluse spider- then my skin started to die and melt off,
    got on the antibiotics the Dr. gave me and still have the scar where the tissue died and healed . It's always the little things that seem to get me.
    Got lymes disease from tick bites 3 times
    Remember... wherever you go... there you are

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  4. #23
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Moved a piece of plywood in a field and a Mississauga rattler showed me the inside of her bright red mouth. I backed away slowly and left her in peace.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    John Terrell (248) 224-2188
    Burly Guys Junk Removal LLC
    5499 Perry Drive Unit P Waterford, MI 48329

  5. #24
    BurlyGuys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalvlin View Post
    If you wear you steel toe boots, Carharts, chaps, leather gloves, eye protection, ear protection, safety helmet and have your tetanus shot
    you should be Ok ? Did I miss anything ? Oh yea , got bit in the ankle by a brown recluse spider- then my skin started to die and melt off,
    got on the antibiotics the Dr. gave me and still have the scar where the tissue died and healed . It's always the little things that seem to get me.
    Got lymes disease from tick bites 3 times

  6. #25
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    One Friday night a few months back I was in my garage scrapping out my “I’ll get to it when I have time” pile. There was a strange little box with a shaft sticking out, looked at it closer and it was an automatic louvre control for an industrial exhaust fan. Being the idiot I am, I started taking it apart. Got all the screws out, stuck the screwdriver under the cover to pry it off. Suddenly the thing basically exploded in my hand. I didn’t realize that there was a coiled spring inside, since all of the screws were out, when I released the pressure on the spring, it spun the metal cover around and across my thumb. It was pretty much like sticking my thumb in front of an edger blade, it wasn’t all that sharp, but it was hard and thin and spinning pretty fast. It didn’t actually hurt all that bad, but I could see that I had cut my thumb. I tried to move it, but I couldn’t. Then came the arterial spray. It was shooting a good three feet and made a huge mess. I wrapped a rag around it and went inside. My wife was asleep on the couch, she was 8 months pregnant with our second, our first was only around 18 months old. I decided it wasn’t worth it waking up our toddler and having them all stuck at the ER with me. So I woke her up gently and told her that I cut my thumb and was going to go get a tetanus shot and see if they could glue it, and I’d be back in a couple of hours. Got to the ER, by then it was starting to hurt, man was it throbbing, and I still couldn’t move it. Not only had I severed the artery, I had severed the tendon. The surgeon got me fixed up and I went home. I’ve got decent health insurance but it still cost me over $500 out of pocket. And my thumb isn’t what it used to be. I have very little feeling in it, and the range of motion is limited. If I would have been wearing gloves wouldn’t have been nearly as bad. I’m also **** lucky that thing didn’t fly up and hit me in the face or neck. Be careful out there guys.

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  8. #26
    SKWrapper's Avatar
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    My really good friend hasn't really done any real collecting (besides a few light fixtures in the trunk of his car) or even driven his truck since Sunday. Something slipped in his lower back while re-arranging a load to the point where he could hardly stand up - just slightly lifting the heaviest file cabinet he ever had besides the two fireproof ones he got a few weeks ago. His son helped him finish and unloaded for him at the yard.
    Last edited by SKWrapper; 08-23-2018 at 02:31 PM.

  9. #27
    ScrapToTheFuture's Avatar
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    Got up after searching for something in my bin once, had head rush then after a second or two when I opened my eyes, I was on the floor with, and metal rods were in front of me. If I dropped a foot to more to my front I can't imagine what those rods might have damaged on my body. I now always make sure none of my cut metal rods are taller than the bins they are in.

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