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Helpful person at scrapyard

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    SKWrapper started this thread.
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    Helpful person at scrapyard

    I have not done much with aluminum or copper scrap in my short time of part-time metal scrapping. I did have a large load of all aluminum (dirty) last week.

    Yesterday while in line for my copper wire, a lady that had a bunch more copper and aluminum than me, told me to just go ahead of her since I had so little. She then proceeded to separate it for me, told me the differences in copper grades. I notice she had an electric motor. I had just scale scrapped one (threw it off the truck with the rest of the metal) because I didn’t know you can get more for them by themselves. I had a small load of general scrap that day and I got a substantial amount more $ than if I had not talked to her.

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  3. #2
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    I'm going to assume that this helpful lady was a total stranger. If so, she may be a fan of the "pay it forward" mentality. That is, help a total stranger with nothing in return. Hopefully they will think about your nice gesture and perform a similar nice gesture for another total stranger. And so on.

    Some people on this site are doing this whether they realize it or not. They post detailed, thoughtful, time-consuming remarks to help out newer members who have basic questions.

    I'm a big fan of paying it forward. If everyone (or even the vast majority of people- there are always some jerks out there) would do this, imagine what an interesting place we would live in.

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  5. #3
    SKWrapper started this thread.
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    Yes she was a complete stranger. I agree it would be nice. I try to do the same thing when I can - pay it forward, or just help someone regardless of if someone helped me or not recently, I know that's what you probably are saying as well.

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  7. #4
    Patriot76's Avatar
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    Both of you have paid it forward by telling the story and reminding others the impact they have in our world. A very wise man, (my dad although he was not very wise until I turned 30) always said life is like a savings account. The more you deposit the larger the return.

    I have turned a tradition of Christmas Jars into an anonymous gift. I have asked the principal of the local school and different religious leaders to find a home for the jars. Here is an old thread:
    Give back more to this world than we take.

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