In BC it's common practice to bundle logs, after years of accumulation there was a mountain of cable to dispose of I spent the better part of two weeks cutting cable into random lengths. I sent out two semi loads.
When I arrived to load the last trailer one morning found it was already loaded the owner of the Ready Mix Plant put one of his guys on it. Still had tons more of heavy scrap to cut up, spent three months at the plant doing a clean up.
There were a couple of ready mix drums from truck where the engine of hydraulics had malfunctioned and the concrete solidified. Like fourteen yards of solid rock, a telephone call was made to the yard and they said no problem they would break it up and use the crushed cement for fill.
The excavator would not lift them had to dig a hole for the trailer to back into then roll the drums onto the trailer from the side, they of course deducted for the waste material but since they were paying for the trucking not a big deal.
You ship in a lot of iron and the yards will treat you right and make allowances for the odd load of crap.