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Jackpot! Yard sale with a twist.

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Doorman started this thread.
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    Jackpot! Yard sale with a twist.

    7/14/2018 - Already loaded up for next week! Off to a lucky start thanks to some early saturday morning yard saleing

    Moving sale this morning at a remodeled home, didnt seenmuch i wanted to pay for at the time but i noticed a roll off. After letting the homeowner know that in exhange for me taking any metal i desired from his roll off, his bill would be dramatically reduced, he jumped on it.
    Got my truck later in the day and loaded up from my sewage pipe honeyhole first (yes theyre in with trash), easy load of #1. Then we went and started digging.

    This was my rolloff taking
    -2 exercise chairs
    -2 microwaves, one of which GE straight outta 1989
    -Cast iron burn stove
    -Fan and blender for motor
    -Pure copper trash can, HOLY GRAIL
    -Silver plated copper serving dish, gave to my buddy as a present to celebrate his new son.
    -Many upon many brass doorhandles
    -Aluminum curtain rods and a fold-up wheelchair

    Best part has yet to come.

    They figured since i was already there hauling away "junk", i might as well take (yes, for free) the nonsold items that they didnt want to haul to their new home. This is what i deemed worthy.
    -Landscaping tools (new axe i used to butcher microwave transformers, shovels, hoes, whole 9 yards)
    -Fog machine new in the box
    -Little-Giant 22' aluminum ladder (havent decided what to do w this yet, one lock mechanism broken&#128579
    -2 brass base lamps
    -2 stuffed minks (let my buddy have one as well)
    -Bearfur coat
    -2 longaberger baskets for the ole lady

    Safe to say i think i did well for a quick pitstop, all stripped and ready to scrap! Rest is going for resale! Paid the best price to pay, FREE!
    Goes to show that sometimes somebody helps plan your next move.
    Happy scraping and have a great weekend, thanks for reading!

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    DiamondN's Avatar
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    Very Nice Score...

  4. #3
    t00nces2's Avatar
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    ow I know where the yard sales were. It was pretty slim pickings around me. I did manage to pick up one Blue Moon neon sign clock for $10. Needs a little work, but...

  5. #4
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  6. #5
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    "Many upon many brass doorhandles" Check out ebay for similar door handles to see if there is a market for what you picked up. 73, Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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