I am curious about something, even though I have a guess as to the answer. It is hard to quantify this (and if it is too personal- skip to the next thread). How clean is your house- inside and out? If we use a scale of 1 (rat infested, animal droppings everywhere, can barely walk from room to room without bumping into stuff- whether it is scrapping material or just stuff that we have/hoard) to 10 (immaculate- think medical lab clean), how would you consider your house? You can give separate ratings for the inside, outside, garage, shed(s), if you like. If you want to share photos, that would be fine too.
I would say that the inside of my house is a 3, the outside is a 6 (front yard looks much better than the back where I keep my metals), and the garage is a 2. It is a two car garage, but we strain to get one car in there. Before I scrapped, I'd say the back yard was an 8 (see what scrapping has done to me!).
Also, if your house is immaculate, but the total of all your scrapping materials would fit inside a breadbox, that is just not fair! Go onto another thread...
Any before/after stories that you might have should also be included herein.