Howdy everyone, I thought I'd share some helpful information for anyone here that has a major college or university near them. At least where I go to school currently, there are tons of massive apartment complexes that usually only have students living in them and they are a great place to get scrap. At the moment, I have three apartment complexes that I collect from, and on average I get anywhere from 2-15 appliances and 1-5 HVAC systems a week. The best time to talk to them is at the end of the school year when leases end and they are turning units (Cleaning and fixing them before a new tenant moves in.) Having these contracts has allowed me to get a constant stream of material I pay next to nothing for, and I don't have to invest much time into taking anything apart while still having a large profit margin. If you are a turn-and-burn scrapper like I am, having something like this is the ultimate way to acquire material. I don't know if anyone will find this helpful but I thought I'd share.
Some of the loads I've gotten doing this recently: